13 Bible Verses about God, Jealous
Most Relevant Verses
Thou dost not bow thyself to them, nor serve them: for I, Jehovah thy God, am a zealous God, charging iniquity of fathers on sons, on the third generation, and on the fourth, of those hating Me,
for ye do not bow yourselves to another god -- for Jehovah, whose name is Zealous, is a zealous God.
Take heed to yourselves, lest ye forget the covenant of Jehovah your God, which He hath made with you, and have made to yourselves a graven image, a similitude of anything concerning which Jehovah thy God hath charged thee: for Jehovah thy God is a fire consuming -- a zealous God.
They make Him zealous with strangers, With abominations they make Him angry.
thou dost not bow thyself to them nor serve them, for I Jehovah thy God am a zealous God, charging iniquity of fathers on children, and on a third generation, and on a fourth, to those hating Me;
for a zealous God is Jehovah thy God in thy midst -- lest the anger of Jehovah thy God burn against thee, and He hath destroyed thee from off the face of the ground.
And Joshua saith unto the people, 'Ye are not able to serve Jehovah, for a God most holy He is; a zealous God He is; He doth not bear with your transgression and with your sins.
Till when, O Jehovah? art Thou angry for ever? Thy jealousy doth burn as fire.
And make Him angry with their high places, And with their graven images make Him zealous,
Have ye not known that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit in you, which ye have from God? and ye are not your own,
for ye were bought with a price; glorify, then, God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.
for I am zealous for you with zeal of God, for I did betroth you to one husband, a pure virgin, to present to Christ,