18 Bible Verses about God Answers Prayer

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 7:7

"Ask [God for something] and it will be given to you; look [to God for something] and you will find it; knock [on the door of opportunity] and it will be opened up to you.

Luke 11:9

And I tell you, ask [God for something] and it will be given to you; look [to God for something] and you will find it; knock [on the door of opportunity] and it will be opened up to you.

Matthew 7:8

For every person who asks will [certainly] receive; and the one who looks will [certainly] find; and to the person who knocks, the door will [certainly] be opened.

Luke 11:10

For every person who asks will [certainly] receive; and the one who looks will [certainly] find; and to the person who knocks, the door will [certainly] be opened up.

God answers prayer-Luke 11-10
John 14:13

And I will do [for you] whatever you ask in my name [i.e., by my authority], so that the Father may be honored through the Son.

John 14:14

I will do anything [for you], if you ask [for it] in my name.

John 16:23

At that time [i.e., after my resurrection], you will not be asking me [for] anything. Truly, truly, I tell you, if you will ask the Father for anything [then], in my name [i.e., by my authority], He will give it to you.

God answers prayer-John 16-23
John 15:7

If you remain in [fellowship with] me and my teaching remains in your hearts, [you can] ask for whatever you want, and it will be done for you.

1 John 5:15

And if we can be sure that He hears our request for whatever we ask [of Him], we can [also] be certain that we [will] have whatever we have requested from Him.

Romans 10:12

For there is no distinction [with God] between Jews and Greeks [i.e., Gentiles], for all have the same Lord, who is generous to all who appeal to Him [for help].

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