11 Bible Verses about God Caring For Orphans
Most Relevant Verses
Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Abandon your fatherless; I will preserve them;
let your widows trust in Me.
Learn to do what is good.
Seek justice.
Correct the oppressor.
Defend the rights of the fatherless.
Plead the widow’s cause.
God in His holy dwelling is
a father of the fatherless
and a champion of widows.
The Lord protects foreigners
and helps the fatherless and the widow,
but He frustrates the ways of the wicked.
He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner, giving him food and clothing.
But You Yourself have seen trouble and grief,
observing it in order to take the matter into Your hands.
The helpless entrusts himself to You;
You are a helper of the fatherless.
Break the arm of the wicked and evil person;
call his wickedness into account
until nothing remains of it. The Lord is King forever and ever;
the nations will perish from His land.
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Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble;
You will strengthen their hearts.
You will listen carefully,
Assyria will not save us,
we will not ride on horses,
and we will no longer proclaim, ‘Our gods!’
to the work of our hands.
For the fatherless receives compassion in You.”
Provide justice for the needy and the fatherless;
uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.