16 Bible Verses about God Controls Storms

Most Relevant Verses

Job 37:15

Do you know {how God commands them} and [how] he causes his cloud's lightning to shine?

Matthew 8:27

And the men were astonished, saying, "What sort of [man] is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?"

Psalm 135:7

[He] causes clouds to rise from the edge of the earth; he makes lightnings for the rain; [he] brings out [the] wind from his storehouses.

Psalm 135:9

He sent signs and wonders into your midst, O Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his servants.

Jonah 1:4

And Yahweh hurled a great wind upon the sea, and it was a great storm on the sea, and the merchant ship {was in danger of breaking up}.

Nahum 1:3

Yahweh is slow to anger but great [in] power; he will certainly not allow [the guilty] to go unpunished. {He marches} in storm wind and in gale; storm clouds [are the] dust of his feet.

Zechariah 10:1

Ask rain from Yahweh in the season of [the] spring rain-- Yahweh, who makes storm clouds, and he gives showers of rain to them, to everyone vegetation in the field.

Psalm 83:15

so pursue them with your tempest and terrify them with your storm.

Jeremiah 11:16

Yahweh called your name, 'A leafy olive tree, {beautiful with fine fruit}.' With the sound of a great storm he will set fire to it, and its branches will be good for nothing.

Jeremiah 23:19

Look, the storm of Yahweh has gone forth [in] wrath, even a whirling tempest. It will whirl upon [the] head of [the] wicked

Jeremiah 30:23

Look, the storm of Yahweh! Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest. It will whirl upon [the] head of [the] wicked.

Psalm 65:7

[who] stills [the] roar of [the] seas, the roar of their waves, and [the] commotion of [the] peoples,

Luke 8:24

And they came [and] woke him up, saying, "Master, master! We are perishing!" So he got up [and] rebuked the wind and the billowing waves of water and they ceased, and it became calm.

Mark 4:39

And he woke up [and] rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Be quiet! Be silent!" And the wind abated and there was a great calm.

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