15 Bible Verses about God Killed His People
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After this, fire came from the LORD and incinerated the 250 men who offered the incense.
You saw with your own eyes what he did in Baal Peor. The LORD your God exterminated from among you every man who followed Baal of Peor.
The LORD struck Benjamin in the full view of Israel. As a result, the Israelis destroyed 25,100 soldiers of Benjamin that day, all expert swordsmen.
God struck down the men of Beth-shemesh because they had looked into the Ark of the LORD. He struck down 50,070 men among the people, and the people mourned because the LORD struck down the people with a great slaughter.
the anger of God flared against them, and he killed the strongest men and humbled Israel's young men.
He bent his bow against us as would an enemy, his right hand cocked as would an adversary. He has killed everyone in whom we took pride; in the tent of cherished Zion he poured out his anger like fire.
Clothing yourself with anger, you pursued us. You killed without pity,
Has the LORD struck them down, just as he struck down those who struck them? Or have they been killed, just as their killers were killed?
When he struck them, they sought him; they repented, and eagerly sought God.
Now I want to remind you, even though you are fully aware of these things, that the Lord who once saved his people from the land of Egypt later destroyed those who did not believe.
Therefore I cut them to pieces by the prophets, killing them by the words from my mouth. The verdict against you shines like a beacon.
"I sent plagues among you as I did with Egypt. I killed your choicest young men with the sword. I took your horses away from you. I filled your noses with the stench of your encampments, but you have not returned to me," declares the LORD.
"The LORD slaughtered this people in the wilderness because he wasn't able to bring them to the land that he promised them.'
"Desecrate my Temple," he told them, "and fill its courtyard with the dead!" So they went out and began striking down people throughout the city.
Young men and the aged lie on the ground in the streets; my young women and young men have fallen by the sword. You killed them in your anger, slaughtering them without pity.
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