18 Bible Verses about God Our Strength

Most Relevant Verses

Isaiah 45:24

“It shall be said of Me, ‘Only in the Lord are righteousness and strength.’
To Him people will come,
And all who were angry at Him will be put to shame.

Psalm 28:8

The Lord is their [unyielding] strength,
And He is the fortress of salvation to His anointed.

Psalm 37:39

But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord;
He is their refuge and stronghold in the time of trouble.

Exodus 15:2

“The Lord is my strength and my song,
And He has become my salvation;
This is my God, and I will praise Him;
My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.

Habakkuk 3:19

The Lord God is my strength [my source of courage, my invincible army];
He has made my feet [steady and sure] like hinds’ feet
And makes me walk [forward with spiritual confidence] on my high places [of challenge and responsibility].

For the choir director, on my stringed instruments.

Isaiah 49:5

And now says the Lord, who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant,
To bring Jacob back to Him and that Israel might be gathered to Him,
—For I am honored in the eyes of the Lord,
And My God is My strength—

Jeremiah 16:19

[Then said Jeremiah] “O Lord, my Strength and my Stronghold,
And my Refuge in the day of distress and need,
The nations will come to You
From the ends of the earth and say,
‘Our fathers have inherited nothing but lies and illusion,
[Worthless] things in which there is no benefit!’

Psalm 31:4

You will draw me out of the net that they have secretly laid for me,
For You are my strength and my stronghold.

Psalm 81:1

Sing aloud to God our strength;
Shout for joy to the God of Jacob (Israel).

Nehemiah 8:10

Then Ezra said to them, “Go [your way], eat the rich festival food, drink the sweet drink, and send portions to him for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be worried, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and your stronghold.”

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