20 Bible Verses about God Swearing Blessings
Most Relevant Verses
'Be mindful of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel, Thy servants, to whom Thou hast sworn by Thyself, and unto whom Thou speakest: I multiply your seed as stars of the heavens, and all this land, as I have said, I give to your seed, and they have inherited to the age;'
in order to establish thee to-day to Him for a people, and He Himself is thy God, as He hath spoken to thee, and as He hath sworn to thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
and saith, 'By Myself I have sworn -- the affirmation of Jehovah -- that because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only one -- that blessing I bless thee, and multiplying I multiply thy seed as stars of the heavens, and as sand which is on the sea-shore; and thy seed doth possess the gate of his enemies;
For to Abraham God, having made promise, seeing He was able to swear by no greater, did swear by Himself, saying, 'Blessing indeed I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee;'
sojourn in this land, and I am with thee, and bless thee, for to thee and to thy seed I give all these lands, and I have established the oath which I have sworn to Abraham thy father;
For, the waters of Noah is this to Me, In that I have sworn -- the waters of Noah Do not pass again over the earth -- So I have sworn, Wrath is not upon thee, Nor rebuke against thee.
In that day I did lift up My hand to them, To bring them forth from the land of Egypt, Unto a land that I spied out for them, Flowing with milk and honey, A beauty it is to all the lands,
but because of Jehovah's loving you, and because of His keeping the oath which He hath sworn to your fathers, hath Jehovah brought you out by a strong hand, and doth ransom you from a house of servants, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
thus doth God to Abner, and thus He doth add to him, surely as Jehovah hath sworn to David -- surely so I do to him:
Jehovah hath sworn truth to David, He turneth not back from it: Of the fruit of thy body, I set on the throne for thee. If thy sons keep My covenant, And My testimonies that I teach them, Their sons also for ever and ever, Do sit on the throne for thee.
a prophet, therefore, being, and knowing that with an oath God did swear to him, out of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
Where are Thy former kindnesses, O Lord. Thou hast sworn to David in Thy faithfulness,
Jehovah hath sworn, and doth not repent, 'Thou art a priest to the age, According to the order of Melchizedek.'
and he with an oath through Him who is saying unto him, 'The Lord sware, and will not repent, Thou art a priest -- to the age, according to the order of Melchisedek;')
And inasmuch as it is not apart from oath, (for those indeed apart from oath are become priests,
Thou givest truth to Jacob, kindness to Abraham, That thou hast sworn to our fathers, from the days of antiquity!
in which God, more abundantly willing to shew to the heirs of the promise the immutability of his counsel, did interpose by an oath,