7 Bible Verses about Grumbling At People

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 20:11

And as they received it, they began to grumble against the owner of the estate,

Luke 15:2

And so the Pharisees and scribes continually grumbled, and said, "This fellow is welcoming notorious sinners, and even eating with them."

Luke 19:7

And when they all saw it, they began to grumble and say, "He has gone in to lodge with a notorious sinner!"

John 6:41

Then the Jews began to grumble about His saying, "I am the bread that came down out of heaven."

John 7:12

And there was a great deal of grumbling about Him among the crowds, some saying that He was a good man, and others that He was not, but was misleading the masses.

Luke 5:30

Now the Pharisees and their scribes were grumbling at His disciples, and were saying, "Why are you eating and drinking with tax-collectors and notorious sinners?"

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