13 Bible Verses about Holy Vessels
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If, therefore, anyone will, for pureness, sever himself from these, he shall be a vessel for honour, hallowed, meet for the Master's use, for every good work, prepared.
Then said I unto them, Ye, are hallowed unto Yahweh, and, the utensils, are hallowed, - and, the silver and the gold, are a freewill offering, unto Yahweh, God of your fathers:
and, bowls of gold, twenty, of a thousand drams, - and, utensils of fine bright bronze, two, precious as gold.
and the priest shall take hallowed water in an earthen vessel, - and of the dust which shall be upon the floor of the habitation, shall the priest take, and put into the water;
And their charge, was - the ark and the table and the lampstand and the altars, and the utensils of the sanctuary wherewith they were to minister, - and the screen, as to all the laborious work thereof.
and the pans, and the shovels, and the tossing bowls, and, all these vessels which Hiram made King Solomon, for the house of Yahweh, were of burnished bronze.
and they brought up the ark of Yahweh, and the Tent of Meeting, and all the hallowed vessels that were in the tent, - yea, the priests and the Levites, did bring them up.
and, the caldrons, and the shovels, and the snuffers, and the spoons, even all the utensils of bronze wherewith ministration used to be made, did they take away;
And, all the utensils of the house of God, both great and small, and the treasures of the house of Yahweh, and the treasures of the king and of his rulers, the whole, carried he to Babylon;
And, King Cyrus, brought forth the utensils of the house of Yahweh, - which Nebuchadnezzar had brought forth from Jerusalem, and put in the house of his gods: -
within the space of two years, I am bringing back into this place, all the vessels of the house of Yahweh, - which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, hath taken away from this place, and carried into Babylon.
and the Lord gave into his hand Jehoiakim king of Judah, and a part of the vessels of the house of God, and he brought them into the land of Shinar, into the house of his gods, - and, the vessels, brought he into the treasure-house of his gods.
Belshazzar, gave word, at the flavour of the wine, to bring the vessels of gold and silver, which Nebuchadnezzar his father, had brought forth, out of the temple which was in Jerusalem, - that the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines, might drink therein.
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