25 Bible Verses about Hope In Hard Times
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Because you have the knowledge that the testing of your faith gives you the power of going on in hope;
The Lord is good, a strong place in the day of trouble; and he has knowledge of those who take him for their safe cover.
Let us keep the witness of our hope strong and unshaking, for he is true who has given his word:
Who gives us comfort in all our troubles, so that we may be able to give comfort to others who are in trouble, through the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
And they will come back to you, O daughter of Zion, as prisoners of hope: today I say to you that I will give you back twice as much;
Who without reason for hope, in faith went on hoping, so that he became the father of a number of nations, as it had been said, So will your seed be.
Have faith in him at all times, you people; let your hearts go flowing out before him: God is our safe place. (Selah.)
But be certain of this, that in the last days times of trouble will come.
You have cause for great joy in this, though it may have been necessary for you to be troubled for a little time, being tested in all sorts of ways,
But if we have hope for that which we see not, then we will be able to go on waiting for it.
See, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything so hard that I am unable to do it?
Troubles are round us on every side, but we are not shut in; things are hard for us, but we see a way out of them;
I have said all these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world.
And let the peace of Christ be ruling in your hearts, as it was the purpose of God for you to be one body; and give praise to God at all times.
And Jesus, looking at them, said, With men this is not possible; but with God all things are possible.
Because in those days there will be great sorrow, such as there has not been from the start of the world till now, or ever will be.
I am of the opinion that there is no comparison between the pain of this present time and the glory which we will see in the future.
Yes, we ourselves have had the answer of death in ourselves, so that our hope might not be in ourselves, but in God who is able to give life to the dead:
See, in place of peace my soul had bitter sorrow. but you have kept back my soul from the underworld; for you have put all my sins out of your memory.
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