12 Bible Verses about Husbands Duty To Wives
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Ye husbands, in like manner, dwelling with them according to knowledge, - as unto a weaker vessel, unto the female vessel , assigning honour, as joint - inheritors also of life's favour, - to the end that unhindered may be, your prayers.
Ye husbands, be loving your wives, even as, the Christ also, loved the assembly, and delivered, himself, up in her behalf,
Ye husbands! be loving your wives, and be not embittered against them;
And the man said, This, one, now, is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh! This, one shall be called Woman, for, out of a man, hath this one been taken.
and said - For this cause, will a man leave his father and his mother, and be united to his wife, - and, the two, will become, one flesh;
A loving hind! a graceful doe! let, her bosom, content thee at all times, and, in her love, mayst thou stray evermore.
Yet ye say, For what cause? Because, Yahweh, hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, with whom, thou, hast dealt treacherously, though, she, was thy consort, and thy covenant wife. Now was it not, One, who made you who had, the residue of the spirit? What, then, of that One? He was seeking a godly seed. Therefore should ye take heed to your spirit, and, with the wife of thy youth, do not thou deal treacherously.
For this cause, will a man leave his father and his mother, and cleave unto his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
And there came unto him Pharisees, testing him, and saying, - Whether is it allowed a man to divorce his wife, for every cause? And, he, answering, said - Did ye never read - He who created at the beginning, Male and female, made them, - and said - For this cause, will a man leave his father and his mother, and be united to his wife, - and, the two, will become, one flesh;read more.
So that, the longer, are they, two, but, one flesh, What, therefore, God, hath yoked together, Let not, a man, put asunder. They say unto him - Why then did, Moses, command, to give a writing of repudiation and to divorce? He saith unto them - Moses, in view of your hardness of heart, permitted you to divorce your wives; From the beginning however, hath it not been done, thus. And I say unto you - Whosoever shall divorce his wife, saving for unfaithfulness, and shall marry another, committeth adultery.
So Elkanah her husband said to her - Hannah! wherefore shouldst thou weep? and wherefore wilt thou not eat? and wherefore should thy heart be sad? Am, I, not better to thee, than ten sons?
So Jacob sent, and called for Rachel and for Leah, to the field unto his flock; and said to them, Beholding, am I the face of your father, that it is not towards me as aforetime, - nevertheless, the God of my father, hath been with me; and, ye, know that with all my vigour, have I served your father.read more.
But, your father, hath deceived me, and hath changed my wages ton times, - yet God hath not suffered him to deal harmfully with me.
But, if she should even depart, let her remain unmarried, or, to her husband, be reconciled; and let not, a husband, leave, his wife. But, unto the rest, say, I - not the Lord, - if, any brother, hath, a wife that believeth not, and, she, is well pleased to dwell with him, let him not leave her;
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