17 Bible Verses about Imagination, Inward Desires

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 12:34-35

Brood of vipers! How can you speak good things when you are evil? For the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart. A good man produces good things from his storeroom of good, and an evil man produces evil things from his storeroom of evil.

Luke 6:45

A good man produces good out of the good storeroom of his heart. An evil man produces evil out of the evil storeroom, for his mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.

1 Kings 8:39

may You hear in heaven, Your dwelling place,
and may You forgive, act, and repay the man,
according to all his ways, since You know his heart,
for You alone know every human heart,

Psalm 7:9

Let the evil of the wicked come to an end,
but establish the righteous.
The One who examines the thoughts and emotions
is a righteous God.

Psalm 38:9

Lord, my every desire is known to You;
my sighing is not hidden from You.

Psalm 139:2

You know when I sit down and when I stand up;
You understand my thoughts from far away.

Jeremiah 11:20

But, Lord of Hosts, who judges righteously,
who tests heart and mind,
let me see Your vengeance on them,
for I have presented my case to You.

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