20 Bible Verses about In God's Name
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And now I will be no longer in the world, but they are in the world and I come to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name which you have given to me, so that they may be one even as we are one.
And those who went before him, and those who came after, gave loud cries, saying, Glory to the Son of David: A blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord: Glory in the highest.
For I say to you, You will not see me from this time till you say, A blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord.
And those who went in front, and those who came after, were crying, Glory: A blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord:
Now see, your house is waste, and I say to you, You will not see me again till you say, A blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord.
Saying, A blessing on the King who comes in the name of the Lord; peace in heaven and glory in the highest.
Took branches of palm-trees and went out to him, crying, A blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel!
And he will take his place and give food to his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the glory of the name of the Lord his God; and their resting-place will be safe: for now he will be great to the ends of the earth.
I have come in my Father's name, and your hearts are not open to me. If another comes with no other authority but himself, you will give him your approval.
Jesus said in answer, I have said it and you have no belief: the works which I do in my Father's name, these give witness about me.
While I was with them I kept them safe in your name which you have given to me: I took care of them and not one of them has come to destruction, but only the son of destruction, so that the Writings might come true.
Take as an example of pain nobly undergone and of strength in trouble, the prophets who gave to men the words of the Lord.
Is anyone among you ill? let him send for the rulers of the church; and let them say prayers over him, putting oil on him in the name of the Lord.
Then he will do the work of a priest in the name of the Lord his God, with all his brothers the Levites who are there before the Lord.
For all the peoples will be walking, every one in the name of his god, and we will be walking in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.
And their strength will be in the Lord; and their pride will be in his name, says the Lord.
We will be glad in your salvation, and in the name of our God we will put up our flags: may the Lord give you all your requests.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the upright man running into it is safe.
Then David said to the Philistine, You come to me with a sword and a spear and a javelin: but I come to you in the name of the Lord of armies, the God of the armies of Israel on which you have put shame.
Now the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, the son of Iddo, were preaching to the Jews in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel.
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