3 Bible Verses about Insensitivity
Most Relevant Verses
NOW the Spirit speaketh expresly, that in the latter days some will apostatise from the faith, giving heed to spirits of delusion, and doctrines of devils;
who insensible to remorse, have delivered themselves over in lasciviousness, to the practice of all impurity, with insatiable avidity.
THEN he spake also to them a parable, to shew that we ought to pray always, and not faint; saying, There was a certain judge in a particular city, having no fear of God, nor respect for man: and there was a certain widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, Do me justice against my adversary.read more.
And he would not for a long while: but after this he said, Though I fear not God, nor respect man; yet because this woman is so troublesome to me, I will do her justice, lest by her perpetual coming she stun me with her importunity,