25 Bible Verses about Lack Of Rejoicing
Most Relevant Verses
and they that weep, be as though they wept not: and they that rejoice, be as though they rejoiced not: And they that buy, be as though they possessed not:
Therefore shall the LORD have no pleasure in their young men, neither favour their fatherless and widows. For they are all together hypocrites and wicked, and all their mouths speak folly. After all this shall not the LORD's wrath cease, but yet his hand shall be stretched out still.
Rejoice not, thou whole Philistia, as though the rod of him that beateth thee were broken: For out of the serpent's root, there shall come an adder, and the fruit shall be a fiery worm.
The time cometh, the day draweth nigh. Whoso buyeth, let him not rejoice: he that selleth, let him not be sorry. For why? Trouble shall come in the midst of all rest:
The hour is come against thee that dwellest in the land. The time is at hand; the day of sedition is hard by: and no glad tidings upon the mountains.
The heart is sorrowful even in laughter; and the end of mirth is heaviness.
The joy of our heart is gone, our merry query is turned into mourning.
The mirth of tabrets shall be laid down, the cheer of the joyful shall cease, and the pleasure of lutes shall have an end:
In the streets shall there be lift up a cry because of wine, all men's cheer shall vanish away, and all joy of the earth shall pass.
Mirth and cheer was gone out of the field and vineyards, insomuch that no man was glad nor sung. There went no treader into the winepress, their merry cheer was laid down.
For thus sayeth the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel: Behold, I shall take away out of this place, the voice of mirth and gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride: yea and that in your days, that ye may see it.
And as for the voice of mirth and gladness of the cities of Judah and Jerusalem; the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride: I will make them cease, for the land shall be desolate."
Moreover, I will take from them the voice of gladness and solace, the voice of the bridegroom and the bride, the voice of the anointed, with the cressets:
Mirth and cheer shall be taken away from the timber field, and from the whole land of Moab. There shall be no sweet wine in the press, the treader shall have no stomach to cry, yea there shall be none to cry unto him:
Moreover, I will take away all her mirth, her holidays, her new moons, her Sabbaths, and all her solemn feasts:
Do not thou triumph, O Israel; make no boasting more than the Heathen. For thou hast committed adultery against thy God: strange rewards hast thou loved, more than all the corn floors.
Shall not the meats be taken away before our eyes, the mirth also and joy from the house of our God?
The grape gatherers shall make great moan, when the vineyard and fig trees be so utterly wasted. Yea all the pomegranates, palm trees, apple trees, and the other trees of the field shall wither away. Thus the merry cheer of the children of men shall come to confusion.
Oh let me hear of joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.
And because thou servedest not the LORD thy God with joyfulness and with a good heart for the abundance of all things,
Nevertheless, in this rejoice not, that the spirits are under your power: But rejoice because your names are written in heaven."
Suffer afflictions: sorrow ye and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.