10 Bible Verses about Learning From Other People
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All that you learned and received and heard and saw in me put into practice continually; and then God, the giver of peace, will be with you.
All this, Brothers, I have, for your sakes, applied to Apollos and myself, so that, from our example, you may learn to observe the precept-'Keep to what is written,' that none of you may speak boastfully of one teacher to the disparagement of another. For who makes any one of you superior to others? And what have you that was not given you? But if you received it as a gift, why do you boast as if you had not? Are you all so soon satisfied? Are you so soon rich? Have you begun to reign without us? Would indeed that you had, so that we also might reign with you!read more.
For, as it seems to me, God has exhibited us, the Apostles, last of all, as men doomed to death. We are made a spectacle to the universe, both to angels and to men! We, for Christ's sake, are 'fools,' but you, by your union with Christ, are men of discernment. We are weak, but you are strong. You are honored, but we are despised. To this very hour we go hungry, thirsty, and naked; we are beaten; we are homeless; We work hard, toiling with our own hands. We meet abuse with blessings, we meet persecution with endurance, We meet slander with gentle appeals. We have been treated as the scum of the earth, the vilest of the vile, to this very hour. It is with no wish to shame you that I am writing like this; but to warn you as my own dear children. Though you may have thousands of instructors in the Faith of Christ, yet you have not many fathers. It was I who, through union with Christ Jesus, became your father by means of the Good News. Therefore I entreat you-Follow my example.
Brothers, unite in following my example, and fix your eyes on those who are living by the pattern which we have set you.
For you know well that you ought to follow our example. When we were with you, our life was not ill-ordered, Nor did we eat any one's bread without paying for it. Night and day, laboring and toiling, we used to work at our trades, so as not to be a burden upon any of you. This was not because we had not a right to receive support, but our object was to give you a pattern for you to copy.
A woman should listen silently to her teachers, and show them all deference.
but, if a widow has children or grand-children, let them learn to show proper regard for the members of their own family first, and to make some return to their parents; for that is pleasing in God's sight.
You, however, must stand by what you learnt and accepted as true. You know who they were from whom you learnt it;
and what you learnt from me, in the presence of many listeners, entrust to reliable men, who will be able in their turn to teach others.
Why, then, you teacher of others, do not you teach yourself? Do you preach against stealing, and yet steal?
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