6 Bible Verses about Length Of Life
Most Relevant Verses
Happy is the man who makes discovery of wisdom, and he who gets knowledge. For trading in it is better than trading in silver, and its profit greater than bright gold. She is of more value than jewels, and nothing for which you may have a desire is fair in comparison with her.read more.
Long life is in her right hand, and in her left are wealth and honour.
So that all may be well for you, and your life may be long on the earth.
The fear of the Lord gives long life, but the years of the evil-doer will be cut short.
And when Abner was back in Hebron, Joab took him on one side by the doorway of the town to have a word with him quietly, and there he gave him a wound in the stomach, causing his death in payment for the death of his brother Asahel.
And he put down the silver in the Temple and went out, and put himself to death by hanging.