29 Bible Verses about Looking And Seeing
Most Relevant Verses
And he will turn hither and thither, and will see that there is no man, and he will smite the Egyptian, and hide him in the sand.
And Jehovah said to Abram after Lot separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes and see from the place which thou art there to the north and the desert, and the east and the sea.
And he will bring him forth without, and will say, Now look to the heavens and count the stars, if thou shalt be able to count them: and he will say to him, So shall be thy seed.
And he will say to his boy, Go up now, look the way of the sea. And he will go up and look, and say, Not any thing. And he will say, Turn back seven times.
See ye among the nations, and look, and wonder; ye shall wonder: for the working a work in your days ye will not believe if it shall be recounted.
And they will take two chariot horses, and the king will send after the camp of Aram, saying, Go and see.
And the man will speak to me, Son of man, see with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thy heart to all which I cause thee to see; for in order to cause thee to see thou went brought hither: announce all which thou seest to the house of Israel.
And the messenger speaking with me will go forth and say to me, Lift up now thine eyes and see what this going forth.
And he said to me, Sawest, thou son of man? yet shalt thou turn back, thou shalt see abominations great above these.
And he said to me, Sawest, thou son of man? Was it light to the house of Judah doing the abominations which they did here? for they filled the land with violence, and they turned back to irritate me: and behold them sending the branch to their nose.
And he will say to me, Didst thou see, son of man? And he will cause me to go, and he will turn me back upon the lip of the torrent
And he said to me, Sawest, thou son of man, what the old men of the house of Israel are doing in darkness, a man in the chambers of his images? for they are saying, Jehovah sees us not; Jehovah forsook the earth.
And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying, What seem thou, Jeremiah? and saying, I see the shoot of an almond tree.
And the word of Jehovah will be to me the second time, saying, What seest thou? and saying, I see a pot blown under, and its face from the face of the north.
And Jehovah will say to me, What seest thou, Jeremiah? and saying, Figs: the good figs, exceedingly good; and the evil, exceedingly evil, which shall not be eaten from being evil.
And Jehovah will say to me, What seest thou, Amos? And saying, Lead. And Jehovah will say to me: Behold me setting lead in the midst of my people Israel: I will no more add to pass by to him.
And he will say, Amos, what seest thou? And saying, A basket of fruit. And Jehovah will say to me: The end came upon my people Israel; I will no more add to pass by to him.
And Abimelech will say to Abraham, What sawest thou that thou didst this thing?
And he will say, What saw they in thy house? and Hezekiah will say, All which is in my house they saw: there was not a word that I caused them not to see in my treasures.
And these going forth, Jesus began to say to the crowds concerning John, What went ye forth into the desert to see? A reed shaken by the wind?
And those feeding the swine fled, and they announced in the city, and in the fields. And they came forth to see what is it that was done.
And they went out to see that done; and came to Jesus, and they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting clothed, and being of sound mind, at the feet of Jesus; and they were afraid.
And they feeding, having seen that done, fled, and having departed, proclaimed in the city and in the fields.
And it was when the messenger departed from them into heaven, and the men, the shepherds, said to one another, Let us pass through now to Bethlehem, and see this word done,which the Lord made known to us.
Then again he put hands upon his eyes, and made him look up; and he was restored, and he saw all clearly.
And Jesus came into Jerusalem, and into the temple : and having looked around upon all things, the hour being already coming, he went into Bethany with the twelve.