9 Bible Verses about Love Towards Christ, The Nature Of

Most Relevant Verses

Luke 7:47

therefore I say to thee, her many sins have been forgiven, because she did love much; but to whom little is forgiven, little he doth love.'

Song of Solomon 1:7

Declare to me, thou whom my soul hath loved, Where thou delightest, Where thou liest down at noon, For why am I as one veiled, By the ranks of thy companions?

Song of Solomon 2:5

Sustain me with grape-cakes, Support me with citrons, for I am sick with love.

Song of Solomon 8:6

Set me as a seal on thy heart, as a seal on thine arm, For strong as death is love, Sharp as Sheol is jealousy, Its burnings are burnings of fire, a flame of Jah!

Song of Solomon 8:7

Many waters are not able to quench the love, And floods do not wash it away. If one give all the wealth of his house for love, Treading down -- they tread upon it.

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