9 Bible Verses about Millennial Kingdom
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And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, with the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He gripped the dragon, that old serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and flung him into the bottomless pit, and shut and sealed it over him, so that he should seduce the nations no more, until the thousand years were completed. After that it is necessary to loose him for a little while.
and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ; but to share his glory, we must now be sharing his sufferings.
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Topics on Millennial Kingdom
Millennial Kingdom, Christ Restores Israel
Romans 11:25-27For I would not, my brothers, have you ignorant of this hidden truth, for fear that you become wise in your own conceits. that a hardening in part has befallen Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles is come in.
Millennial Kingdom, Universal Peace And Blessing
Ephesians 3:9-20and should make all men see the new dispensation of that secret purpose, hidden from eternity in the God who founded the universe,
Wine In Millennial Kingdom
Matthew 26:27-29And when he had taken the cup and given thanks, he gave it to them, saying.