11 Bible Verses about Mind Battles
Most Relevant Verses
Therefore, prepare your minds for action, and with perfect calmness fix your hopes on the mercy that you are to experience when Jesus Christ is revealed.
I destroy arguments and every obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God, and I take captive every thought and make it obey Christ,
but all through my body I see another principle in conflict with the law of my reason, which makes me a prisoner to that law of sin that runs through my body.
For the physical cravings are against the Spirit, and the cravings of the Spirit are against the physical; the two are in opposition, so that you cannot do anything you please.
is a conceited, ignorant person, with a morbid craving for speculations and arguments which result only in envy, quarreling, abuse, base suspicions,
For the Spirit God has given us is a spirit not of timidity but of power, love, and self-discipline.
Since Christ therefore has suffered in our physical nature, you must also arm yourselves with the same resolve. For he who suffers in his physical nature has done with sin,
For to be physically minded means death, but to be spiritually minded means life and peace.
You must not adopt the customs of this world but by your new attitude of mind be transformed so that you can find out what God's will is??hat is good, pleasing, and perfect.