14 Bible Verses about No King

Most Relevant Verses

Judges 18:1

In those days there is no king in Israel, and in those days the tribe of the Danite is seeking for itself an inheritance to inhabit, for that hath not fallen to it unto that day in the midst of the tribes of Israel by inheritance.

Judges 19:1

And it cometh to pass, in those days, when there is no king in Israel, that there is a man a Levite, a sojourner in the sides of the hill-country of Ephraim, and he taketh to him a wife, a concubine, out of Beth-Lehem-Judah;

Judges 17:6

in those days there is no king in Israel, each that which is right in his own eyes doth.

Judges 21:25

In those days there is no king in Israel; each doth that which is right in his own eyes.

1 Kings 22:47

and there is no king in Edom; he set up a king.

Hosea 3:4

For many days remain do the sons of Israel without a king, and there is no prince, and there is no sacrifice, and there is no standing pillar, and there is no ephod and teraphim.

Hosea 10:3

For now they say: We have no king, Because we have not feared Jehovah, And the king -- what doth he for us?

Jeremiah 13:18

Say to the king and to the mistress: Make yourselves low -- sit still, For come down have your principalities, The crown of your beauty.

1 Kings 22:17

And he saith, 'I have seen all Israel scattered on the hills as sheep that have no shepherd, and Jehovah saith, These have no master; they turn back each to his house in peace.'

Isaiah 3:7

He lifteth up, in that day, saying: 'I am not a binder up, And in my house is neither bread nor garment, Ye do not make me a ruler of the people.'

Micah 4:9

Now, why dost thou shout aloud? A king -- is there none in thee? Hath thy counsellor perished, That taken hold of thee hath pain as a travailing woman?

Proverbs 30:27

A king there is not to the locust, And it goeth out -- each one shouting,

Habakkuk 1:14

And Thou makest man as fishes of the sea, As a creeping thing -- none ruling over him.

Ezekiel 30:13

Thus said the Lord Jehovah: And -- I have destroyed idols, And caused vain things to cease from Noph, And a prince of the land of Egypt there is no more, And I give fear in the land of Egypt.

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