5 Bible Verses about Not Glorifying God
Most Relevant Verses
Romans 1:21
Inasmuch as, having come to know God, not, as God, did they glorify him, or give him thanks, but were made fruitless in their reasonings, and darkened was their undiscerning heart,
Acts 12:23
And, instantly, there smote him, a messenger of the Lord, because he gave not the glory unto God; and, becoming worm-eaten, he expired.
Revelation 16:9
and mankind were scorched with a great scorching heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who had authority over these plagues, and repented not to give him glory.
John 8:54
Jesus answered - If, I, glorify myself, my glory, is nothing: It is, my Father, that glorifieth me, - of whom, ye, say - He is, your God!
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Glorifying (23 instances)