7 Bible Verses about Not Prospering
Most Relevant Verses
and thou shalt he groping about in noonday brightness, as the blind man gropeth in thick darkness, and thou shalt not make thy ways prosper, - but shalt be only oppressed and spoiled all the days with none to save.
Thus, saith Yahweh, - Register ye this man, childless, A man who shall not prosper in his days, - For there shall prosper of his seed No man sitting upon the throne of David, Or ruling any more over Judah.
Even from this one, shalt thou go forth, with thy hands upon thy head, - For Yahweh hath rejected those in whom thou confidest, and thou shalt not prosper with them.
He that covereth his transgressions, shall not prosper, but, he that confesseth and forsaketh, shall find compassion.
There are turned upon me terrors, - Chased away as with a wind, is mine abundance, and, as a cloud, hath passed away my prosperity.
Now, therefore, your daughters, do not ye give to their sons, and, their daughters, do not ye take for your sons, neither shall ye seek their prosperity nor their pleasure unto times age-abiding, - to the end ye may become strong, and may eat the good of the land, and may suffer your children to possess I, unto times age-abiding.