17 Bible Verses about Not Understanding Sayings
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And Jesus, seeing it, said, O you of little faith, why are you reasoning among yourselves, because you have no bread? Do you still not see, or keep in mind the five cakes of bread of the five thousand, and the number of baskets you took up? Or the seven cakes of bread of the four thousand, and the number of baskets you took up?read more.
How is it that you do not see that I was not talking to you about bread, but about keeping away from the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees?
But the saying was not clear to them, and they were in fear of questioning him about it.
But this saying was not clear to them and its sense was kept secret from them so that they were not able to see it: and they had fear of questioning him about it.
But they did not take in the sense of any of these words, and what he said was not clear to them, and their minds were not able to see it.
(These things were not clear to his disciples at first: but when Jesus had been lifted up into his glory, then it came to their minds that these things in the Writings were about him and that they had been done to him.)
For at that time they had no knowledge that the Writings said that he would have to come again from the dead.
When the word of the kingdom comes to anyone, and the sense of it is not clear to him, then the Evil One comes, and quickly takes away that which was put in his heart. He is the seed dropped by the wayside.
And as he said in all his letters, which had to do with these things; in which are some hard sayings, so that, like the rest of the holy Writings, they are twisted by those who are uncertain and without knowledge, to the destruction of their souls.
And the words came to my ears, but the sense of them was not clear to me: then I said, O my lord, what is the sense of these things?
How is it that you do not see that I was not talking to you about bread, but about keeping away from the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees?
Jesus, however, was talking of his death: but they had the idea that he was talking about taking rest in sleep.
And those who were with me saw the light, but the voice of him who was talking to me came not to their ears.
For if you give a blessing with the spirit, how will the man who has no knowledge say, So be it, after your prayer, seeing that he has not taken in what you are saying?
In this Jesus was teaching them in the form of a story: but what he said was not clear to them.
Why are my words not clear to you? It is because your ears are shut to my teaching.
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