10 Bible Verses about People Transformed
Most Relevant Verses
Can the Ethiopian change, his skin, Or the leopard his spots? Even, ye, may be able to do right, Who are accustomed e to do wrong.
Then will come suddenly upon thee, the Spirit of Yahweh, and thou shalt be moved to prophesy with them, - and shalt be changed into another man.
And so it was, that, when he turned away to depart from Samuel, God gave him another heart, - and all these signs came to pass that day.
and was transformed before them, - and his face shone as the sun, and, his garments, became white as the light.
And, after six days, Jesus taketh with him Peter and James and John, and bringeth them up into a high mountain, apart, alone, - and he was transformed before them; and his garments became brilliant, exceeding white, such as, no fuller on the earth, is able, so, to whiten.
And it came to pass, while he was praying, that, the appearance of his face, was changed, and, his clothing, became white, effulgent.
And, we all, with unveiled face, receiving and reflecting, the glory of the Lord, into the same image, are being transformed, from glory into glory, - even as from a Spirit that is Lord.
And be not configuring yourselves unto this age, but be transforming yourselves by the renewing of your mind, to the end ye may be proving what is the thing willed by God - the good and acceptable and perfect.
Who will transfigure our humbled body, into conformity with his glorified body, according to the energy wherewith he is able even to subdue, unto himself, all things.
Lo! a sacred secret, unto you, do I declare: - we shall not, all, sleep, but we shall, all, be changed, -