10 Bible Verses about People Unwilling

Most Relevant Verses

John 5:40

And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.

Mark 6:26

And the king was exceedingly sorry; yet on account of his oath, and those who sat with him, he would not refuse her.

Luke 18:4

And he would not for a long while: but after this he said, Though I fear not God, nor respect man;

John 21:18

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast a younger man, thou didst gird up thyself, and go about whithersoever thy choice led thee: but when thou shalt grow old, another person extending thy hands, shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.

Matthew 1:19

Then Joseph her husband being a just man, and not willing to expose her publicly, designed to put her away privately.

Luke 13:34

O Jerusalem! Jerusalem! thou that killest the prophets, and stonest those who are sent unto thee; how often would I have collected thy children unto me, just as a hen gathereth her brood under her wings, and ye would not!

Matthew 22:3

and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the entertainment: and they would not come.

Matthew 21:29

But he answering said, I will not: yet repenting afterwards, he went.

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