10 Bible Verses about Regretting Birth
Most Relevant Verses
"Alas, why died I not in the birth? Why did not I perish, as soon as I came out of my mother's womb?
Cursed be the day wherein I was born! Unhappy be the day, wherein my mother brought me forth!
O mother, alas that ever thou didst bear me, an enemy and hated of the whole land: Though I never lent nor received upon usury, yet all men speak evil upon me.
Wherefore hast thou brought me out of my mother's womb? O that I had perished, and that no eye had seen me.
Wherefore came I forth of my mother's womb? To have experience of labour and sorrow? And to lead my life with shame?
They answered, and said unto him, "Thou art altogether born in sin: and dost thou teach us?" And they cast him out.
A good name is more worth than a precious ointment, and the day of death is better than the day of birth.