10 Bible Verses about Regretting Birth

Most Relevant Verses

Job 3:1

After this, opened Job his mouth, and cursed his day,

Job 3:3

and the night in the which it was said, 'There is a man child conceived.'

Job 3:11

"Alas, why died I not in the birth? Why did not I perish, as soon as I came out of my mother's womb?

Jeremiah 20:14

Cursed be the day wherein I was born! Unhappy be the day, wherein my mother brought me forth!

Jeremiah 15:10

O mother, alas that ever thou didst bear me, an enemy and hated of the whole land: Though I never lent nor received upon usury, yet all men speak evil upon me.

Job 10:18

Wherefore hast thou brought me out of my mother's womb? O that I had perished, and that no eye had seen me.

Jeremiah 20:18

Wherefore came I forth of my mother's womb? To have experience of labour and sorrow? And to lead my life with shame?

John 9:34

They answered, and said unto him, "Thou art altogether born in sin: and dost thou teach us?" And they cast him out.

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