13 Bible Verses about Relatives Also Involved
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Then the men said to Lot, Are there any others of your family here? sons-in-law or sons or daughters, take them all out of this place;
And when a man's relation, even the one who is responsible for burning his body, lifting him up to take his bones out of the house, says to him who is in the inmost part of the house, Is there still anyone with you? and he says, No; then he will say, Keep quiet, for the name of the Lord may not be named.
It is enough for the disciple that he may be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have given the name Beelzebub to the master of the house, how much more to those of his house!
And the second time his brothers had a meeting with Joseph, and Pharaoh had knowledge of Joseph's family.
And the Lord said to Noah, Take all your family and go into the ark, for you only in this generation have I seen to be upright.
Who will say words to you through which you and all your family may get salvation.
And when she and her family had had baptism, she made a request to us, saying, If it seems to you that I am true to the Lord, come into my house and be my guests. And she made us come.
And they said, Have faith in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will have salvation.
And they gave the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house.
And that same hour of the night, he took them, and when he had given attention to their wounds, he and all his family had baptism straight away.
And he took them into his house and gave them food, and he was full of joy, having faith in God with all his family.
By whom some families have been completely overturned; who take money for teaching things which are not right; these will have to be stopped.
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