19 Bible Verses about Salvation, Illustrations Of
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"And Israel waxed fat, and kicked. Thou wast fat, thick and smooth. And he let God go, that made him; and despised the rock that saved him.
{An exhortation to the earnest praising of God} O come, let us sing unto the LORD; let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvation.
The LORD is my stony rock, and my defense, my Saviour, my God, and my might, in whom I will trust, my buckler, the horn also of my salvation, and my refuge. {TYNDALE: The LORD is my rock, my castle and my deliverer. God is my strength, and in him will I trust: my shield and the horn that defendeth me: mine high hold and refuge.}
And hath raised up a horn of salvation unto us, in the house of his servant David.
For thy great and manifold saving of thy king, and showing mercy unto thine anointed, even to David, and his seed forever.
He put righteousness upon him for a breastplate, and set the helmet of health upon his head. He put on wrath instead of clothing, and took jealousy about him for a cloak:
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God,
And thou hast saved me with thy shield, and keptest me ever in meekness.
For Zion's sake therefore will I not hold my tongue, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not cease: until their righteousness break forth as a shining light, and their salvation as a burning lamp.
I will receive the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD.
Arise now, LORD God in thy resting place - both thou and the Ark of thy strength - and let thy priests put on victory and thy saints rejoice in goodness.
I will deck her priests with health, and her saints shall rejoice and sing.
And therefore I am joyful in the LORD, and my soul rejoiceth in my God. For he shall put upon me the garment of salvation, and cover me with the mantle of righteousness. He shall deck me like a bridegroom, and as a bride that hath her apparel upon her.
In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah. We have a strong city; Salvation shall God appoint instead of walls and bulwarks.
Violence and robbery shall never be heard of in thy land, neither harm and destruction within thy borders. Thy walls shall be called health, and thy gates the praise of God.
Wast thou not angry, O LORD, in the waters? Was not thy wrath in the floods, and thy displeasure in the sea? Yes, when thou sattest upon thine horse, and when thy chariots had the victory.
But thanks be unto God, which hath given us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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