7 Bible Verses about Selfishness, Examples Of
Most Relevant Verses
Then Yahweh said to Cain, "Where [is] Abel your brother?" And he said, "I do not know; am I my brother's keeper?"
The name of the man [was] Nabal, and the name of his wife [was] Abigail. Now the woman [was] wise and beautiful, but the man [was] stubborn and {mean}, and he [was] as his heart.
And Haman came, and the king said to him, "What [is] to be done for the man whom the king wishes to honor?" And Haman thought to himself, "Whom would the king wish to honor more than me?"
And the dogs {have a greedy appetite}; they {are never satisfied}. And they are [the] shepherds! They do not have understanding. They all turn to their [own] way, each one for his [own] gain, {every one of them}.
And when you eat and drink, are you not eating and drinking [for yourselves]?
So they said to him, "Grant to us that we may sit one at your right hand and one at [your] left in your glory."
Jesus replied to them and said, "Truly, truly I say to you, you seek me not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were satisfied!