10 Bible Verses about Spiritual Destitution
Most Relevant Verses
There will come many days in Israel, in which there shall be no true God - nor priest that teacheth, nor any law.
We see not our tokens. There is not one prophet more; no, not one is there among us, that understandeth any more.
{Tet} Her ports are cast down to the ground, her bars are broken and smitten in sunder: her king and princes are carried away to the gentiles. They have neither law nor Prophets, nor yet any vision from the LORD.
One mischief and sorrow shall follow another, and one rumor shall come after another: Then shall they seek visions in vain at their Prophets. The law shall be gone from the priests, and wisdom from the elders.
"Behold, the time cometh," sayeth the LORD God, "that I shall send a hunger into the earth. Not the hunger of bread, nor the thirst of water: but a hunger to hear the word of the LORD.
And when he had spent all that he had, there rose a great dearth throughout all that same land. And he began to lack.
remember, I say, that ye were at that time without Christ, and were reputed aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and were strangers from the testaments of promise, and had no hope, and were without God in this world.
and vain disputations of men with corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, which think that lucre is godliness. From such, separate thyself.
because thou sayest thou art rich and increased with goods, and hast need of nothing, and knowest not how thou art wretched and miserable, poor, blind, and naked.