10 Bible Verses about Spiritual Destitution

Most Relevant Verses

2 Chronicles 15:3

There will come many days in Israel, in which there shall be no true God - nor priest that teacheth, nor any law.

Lamentations 2:9

{Tet} Her ports are cast down to the ground, her bars are broken and smitten in sunder: her king and princes are carried away to the gentiles. They have neither law nor Prophets, nor yet any vision from the LORD.

Ezekiel 7:26

One mischief and sorrow shall follow another, and one rumor shall come after another: Then shall they seek visions in vain at their Prophets. The law shall be gone from the priests, and wisdom from the elders.

Amos 8:11

"Behold, the time cometh," sayeth the LORD God, "that I shall send a hunger into the earth. Not the hunger of bread, nor the thirst of water: but a hunger to hear the word of the LORD.

Luke 15:14

And when he had spent all that he had, there rose a great dearth throughout all that same land. And he began to lack.

1 Timothy 6:5

and vain disputations of men with corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, which think that lucre is godliness. From such, separate thyself.

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