5 Bible Verses about The Holy Spirit Described As Fire
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And there appeared unto them - parting asunder - tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each one of them; And they were all filled with Holy Spirit, and began to be speaking with other kinds of tongues just as the Spirit was giving unto them to be sounding forth.
When My Lord shall have bathed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, And the blood-guiltiness of Jerusalem, he shall wash away out of her midst, - By the spirit of judgment, and By the spirit of thorough cleansing,
I, indeed, am immersing you, in water, unto repentance, - but, he who, after me, cometh is, mightier than I, whose, sandals, I am not worthy to bear, he, will immerse you, in Holy Spirit and fire: Whose fan is in his hand, and he will clear out his threshing-floor, - and will gather his wheat into the granary, but, the chaff, will he burn up with fire unquenchable.
John answered, saying unto all - I, indeed, in water, am immersing you, but he that is mightier than I, cometh, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to unloose, - he, will immerse you m Holy Spirit and fire: whose fan is in his hand, to clear out his threshing-floor, and to gather the wheat into his granary; but, the chaff, will he burn up with fire unquenchable.
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