5 Bible Verses about The Holy Spirit Described As God's Gift
Most Relevant Verses
And Peter said unto them - Repent ye, and let each one of you be immersed, in the name of Jesus Christ, into the remission of your sins, - and ye shall receive the free-gift of the Holy Spirit;
And being in company with them he charged them, from Jerusalem, not to absent themselves, but - To abide around the promise of the Father which ye have heard of me,
And Peter said unto him - Thy silver, with thee, go to destruction! Because, the free-gift of God, thou didst suppose could, with money, be obtained!
And the faithful, of the circumcision, who had come with Peter, were amazed, - in that, upon the nations also, the free-gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out;
If therefore the like free-gift God gave unto them, as even unto us, when we had believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ, who was, I, that could withstand God?