32 Bible Verses about Using Roads
Most Relevant Verses
Then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets’;
Most of the crowd spread their coats in the road, and others were cutting branches from the trees and spreading them in the road.
And many spread their coats in the road, and others spread leafy branches which they had cut from the fields.
to such an extent that they even carried the sick out into the streets and laid them on cots and pallets, so that when Peter came by at least his shadow might fall on any one of them.
And two blind men sitting by the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, cried out, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!”
Then they *came to Jericho. And as He was leaving Jericho with His disciples and a large crowd, a blind beggar named Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the road.
As Jesus was approaching Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the road begging.
“Lift up your eyes to the bare heights and see;
Where have you not been violated?
By the roads you have sat for them
Like an Arab in the desert,
And you have polluted a land
With your harlotry and with your wickedness.
So she removed her widow’s garments and covered herself with a veil, and wrapped herself, and sat in the gateway of Enaim, which is on the road to Timnah; for she saw that Shelah had grown up, and she had not been given to him as a wife.
They went away and found a colt tied at the door, outside in the street; and they *untied it.
And the streets of the city will be filled with boys and girls playing in its streets.’
Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Old men and old women will again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each man with his staff in his hand because of age.
You built yourself a high place at the top of every street and made your beauty abominable, and you spread your legs to every passer-by to multiply your harlotry.
When you built your shrine at the beginning of every street and made your high place in every square, in disdaining money, you were not like a harlot.
“When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.
“So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.
But whatever city you enter and they do not receive you, go out into its streets and say,
And the slave came back and reported this to his master. Then the head of the household became angry and said to his slave, ‘Go out at once into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in here the poor and crippled and blind and lame.’
Go therefore to the main highways, and as many as you find there, invite to the wedding feast.’
Those slaves went out into the streets and gathered together all they found, both evil and good; and the wedding hall was filled with dinner guests.
And the master said to the slave, ‘Go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled.
The one who scatters has come up against you.
Man the fortress, watch the road;
Strengthen your back, summon all your strength.
The chariots race madly in the streets,
They rush wildly in the squares,
Their appearance is like torches,
They dash to and fro like lightning flashes.
With the hoofs of his horses he will trample all your streets. He will slay your people with the sword; and your strong pillars will come down to the ground.
and as he sowed, some seeds fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate them up.
When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is the one on whom seed was sown beside the road.
as he was sowing, some seed fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate it up.
These are the ones who are beside the road where the word is sown; and when they hear, immediately Satan comes and takes away the word which has been sown in them.
“The sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell beside the road, and it was trampled under foot and the birds of the air ate it up.
Those beside the road are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their heart, so that they will not believe and be saved.
“He will not quarrel, nor cry out;
Nor will anyone hear His voice in the streets.