16 Bible Verses about perfectionism
Most Relevant Verses
I have seen that nothing on earth is complete; but your teaching is very wide.
The law of the Lord is good, giving new life to the soul: the witness of the Lord is certain, giving wisdom to the foolish.
Putting an end to reasonings, and every high thing which is lifted up against the knowledge of God, and causing every thought to come under the authority of Christ;
Through the false ways of men whose words are untrue, whose hearts are burned as with a heated iron;
Having our eyes fixed on Jesus, the guide and end of our faith, who went through the pains of the cross, not caring for the shame, because of the joy which was before him, and who has now taken his place at the right hand of God's seat of power.
For though we may be living in the flesh, we are not fighting after the way of the flesh
Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing in your eyes, O Lord, my strength and my salvation.
(For the arms with which we are fighting are not those of the flesh, but are strong before God for the destruction of high places);
For it is an act of righteousness on God's part to give trouble as their reward to those who are troubling you,
For the training of the body is of profit for a little, but religion is of profit in every way, giving hope for the life which now is, and for that which is to come.
For who made you better than your brother? or what have you that has not been given to you? but if it has been given to you, what cause have you for pride, as if it had not been given to you?
By them is your servant made conscious of danger, and in keeping them there is great reward.
Give attention to the things which are before you. If any man seems to himself to be Christ's, let him keep in mind that we are as much Christ's as he is.
If we say that we have no sin, we are false to ourselves and there is nothing true in us.