37 Bible Verses about scars
Most Relevant Verses
Let no one make any more trouble for me, because I carry the scars of Jesus on my own body.
Wounds from someone who loves are trustworthy, but kisses from an enemy speak volumes.
"Someone will say to him, "What are these injuries to your hands?' "He will reply, ""what I received at my friend's house.'
Look at my hands and my feet, because it's really me. Touch me and look at me, because a ghost doesn't have flesh and bones as you see that I have."
We are always carrying around the death of Jesus in our bodies, so that the life of Jesus may be clearly shown in our bodies.
After saying this, he showed them his hands and his side, and when they saw the Lord, the disciples were overjoyed.
So the other disciples kept telling him, "We've seen the Lord!" But he told them, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands, put my finger into them, and put my hand into his side, I'll never believe!"
"You are not to make incisions in your flesh on account of the dead nor submit to cuts or tattoos. I am the LORD.
But he was wounded for our transgressions, and he was crushed for our iniquities, and the punishment that made us whole was upon him, and by his bruises we are healed.
If the scab remains in place and doesn't spread, then it's the scab from the boil. The priest is to declare him clean."
"When a person has a burn scar in the skin that turns bright, white-reddish, or white,
One of the beast's heads looked like it had sustained a mortal wound, but its fatal wound was healed. Rapt with amazement, the whole world followed the beast.
Who has woe? Who has grief? Who has contention? Who has complaints? Who has wounds without cause? Who has bloodshot eyes?
"He himself bore our sins" in his body on the tree, so that we might die to those sins and live righteously. "By his wounds you have been healed."
Just as many were astonished at you so was he marred in his appearance, more than any human, and his form beyond that of human semblance
Indeed, I'll bring you healing, and I'll heal you of your wounds,' declares the LORD, "because they have called you an outcast and have said, "It is Zion, no one cares for her!"'"
"For this is what the LORD says: "Your injury won't heal; your wound is severe.
But if the bright spot remains in place, doesn't spread in the skin, and it's dull, it's the swelling of the burned area. The priest is to declare him clean, since it's the scar from a burn."
If a man or a woman has a light or whitish spot in the skin of their body,
therefore the LORD will afflict sores on the heads of Zion's women, and the LORD will expose their private parts.
Then he told Thomas, "Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Take your hand, and put it into my side. Stop doubting, but believe."
because though he wounds, but then applies bandages; though he strikes, his hands still heal.
Blows that wound clean away evil; such beatings cleanse the innermost being.
and might present the church to himself in all its glory, without a spot or wrinkle or anything of the kind, but holy and without fault.
If I must boast, I will boast about the things that show how weak I am.
Look! I've inscribed you on the palms of my hands, and your walls are forever before me.
From the sole of your foot to the top of your head, there's no soundness evident only bruises, sores, and festering wounds that haven't been cleaned out, bandaged, or treated with oil."
Moreover, the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the sun's light will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the LORD binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds inflicted by his blow.
"Now when a man or a woman has a skin rash on the head or the man develops a skin rash under his beard,
and the hypocrisy of liars, whose consciences have been burned by a hot iron.
"Please come, and let's reason together," implores the LORD. "Even though your sins are like scarlet, they'll be white like snow. Though they're like crimson, they'll become like wool.
Now I am rejoicing while suffering for you as I complete in my flesh whatever remains of the Messiah's sufferings on behalf of his body, which is the church.
When David had grown very old, they covered him with blankets, but he could not keep warm,