14 Bible Verses about space
Most Relevant Verses
When He broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
There are also seven kings; five have fallen, one is on the throne, the other has not yet come, and when he does he must stay but a little while,
There are many other things that Jesus did, which, if they were all written down in detail, I do not suppose that the world itself could hold the books that would have to be written.
But whenever you, follower of mine, pray, you must go to your most private place, shut the door, and pray to your Father in secret, and your Father who sees what is secret will reward you.
I have given her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her immorality.
This went on for two years, so that everybody living in the province of Asia, Greeks as well as Jews, heard the Lord's message.
Stop taking revenge on one another, beloved, but leave a place for God's anger, for the Scripture says, "Vengeance belongs to me; I will pay them back, says the Lord."
So ever be on your guard and always remember that for three years, night and day, I never ceased warning you one by one, and that with tears.
Then he will show you a large room upstairs already furnished. There make the preparations."
About three hours later, his wife came in, without having learned what had taken place.
After spending some time there, they were sent back with a greeting to those who sent them.
So he said to the vine-dresser, 'Look here! for three years I have been coming to look for figs on this fig tree, and have not found any. Cut it down. Why waste the ground with it?'
Then it says, 'I will go back to my house which I left,' and it finds it unoccupied, swept, and ready for use.