14 Bible Verses about space

Most Relevant Verses

Revelation 8:1

When He broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.

Revelation 17:10

There are also seven kings; five have fallen, one is on the throne, the other has not yet come, and when he does he must stay but a little while,

John 21:25

There are many other things that Jesus did, which, if they were all written down in detail, I do not suppose that the world itself could hold the books that would have to be written.

Revelation 2:21

I have given her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her immorality.

Acts 19:10

This went on for two years, so that everybody living in the province of Asia, Greeks as well as Jews, heard the Lord's message.

Acts 20:31

So ever be on your guard and always remember that for three years, night and day, I never ceased warning you one by one, and that with tears.

Luke 22:12

Then he will show you a large room upstairs already furnished. There make the preparations."

Acts 5:7

About three hours later, his wife came in, without having learned what had taken place.

Acts 15:33

After spending some time there, they were sent back with a greeting to those who sent them.

Luke 13:7

So he said to the vine-dresser, 'Look here! for three years I have been coming to look for figs on this fig tree, and have not found any. Cut it down. Why waste the ground with it?'

Matthew 12:44

Then it says, 'I will go back to my house which I left,' and it finds it unoccupied, swept, and ready for use.

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