5 occurrences

'Discovered' in the Bible

and {he accuses her falsely}, and {he defames her}, and he says 'This woman I took and I lay with her and {I discovered that she was not a virgin},'

Then the woman took and spread a covering over the opening of the well; then she spread out dried grain on it, so nothing was discovered.

Verse ConceptsClothCovering The MouthPeople Hiding PeopleIgnorant Of Facts

So {I dedicated myself} to learn about wisdom and [to] learn about delusion and folly. However, I discovered that this also [is] chasing wind.

Verse ConceptsStudying InsanityUseless Endeavour

Look! I have discovered what is good and fitting: to eat and to drink and {to enjoy} all [the fruit of] the toil with which one toils under the sun during the number of the days of his life that God gives to him--for this [is] his lot.

Verse ConceptsDietsEating And DrinkingEating Drinking And RejoicingSunHaving A Good DayBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeEnjoying Lifefatehardwork

I laid a bird snare for you, and you were caught, Babylon. But you yourself [did] not know. You were discovered and seized, because with Yahweh you measured yourself.

Verse ConceptsConfrontationInfidelity To GodGod TrappingConflict

Bible Theasaurus

Ascertained (8 instances)
Attain (36 instances)
Describe (19 instances)
Detect (3 instances)
Disclose (36 instances)
Disclosed (35 instances)
Discover (49 instances)
Discovered (118 instances)
Distinguish (23 instances)
Expose (42 instances)
Identify (6 instances)
Impart (19 instances)
Notice (121 instances)
Observe (357 instances)
Observed (210 instances)
Reveal (107 instances)
Revealed (204 instances)
Strike (221 instances)
Unwrap (1 instance)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 188

Usage: 11

Usage: 15

Usage: 2

Usage: 10