10 occurrences

'Yesterday' in the Bible

And the foremen of the {Israelites}, whom Pharaoh's slave drivers had appointed over them, were beaten [by men who were] saying, "Why have you not completed your portion of brickmaking {as before, both yesterday and today}?"

Verse ConceptsAaron, PrivilegesFloggingIncomplete Works

{And then} on the next day, the second day of the new moon, that David's place was empty. So Saul asked Jonathan his son, "Why did the son of Jesse not come either yesterday or today to the feast?"

Verse ConceptsEmpty ThingsWhy Do People Not Do This?

Yesterday when you came and {today}, I have caused you to wander by going with us. Now I [am] going to where I [am] going; return and let your brothers return. [May] loyal love and faithfulness [be] with you."

Verse ConceptsWanderers

'"Since I saw the blood of Naboth and the blood of his children yesterday," declares Yahweh, "I will requite it for you in this tract of land," declares Yahweh.' So then lift him out and throw him on the tract of land according to the word of Yahweh."

Verse ConceptsHuman Blood Shed

For a thousand years in your eyes [are] like yesterday when it passes, or [like] a watch in the night.

Verse ConceptsThe Final Days Of Timeeternity, nature ofGod, The EternalYears1000 Years And MoreDaysThe Pastpast

For Topheth has been prepared from yesterday; indeed, it is made ready for the king. He makes its pile of wood deep and wide; he makes fire and wood {abundant}. The breath of Yahweh burns in it like a stream of sulfur.

Verse ConceptsPitsTheophanyBrimstonePreparation For BurialSulphurA Place Prepared

So he inquired from them the hour at which he had gotten better. Then they said to him, "Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him."

Verse ConceptsHourFeverAsking Particular QuestionsWhen?People ImprovedRecoveryimprovement

You do not want to do away with me {the same way} you did away with the Egyptian yesterday, [do you]?'

Verse ConceptsAttempting To Kill Me

Bible Theasaurus

Lately (7 instances)
Yesterday (13 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 5

אתמוּל אתמול אתמול 
Usage: 8

תּמל תּמול 
Usage: 22

Usage: 3