48 occurrences

'Account' in the Bible

it has seemed right to me also, after careful investigation of the facts from their commencement, to write for you, most noble Theophilus, a connected account,

Verse ConceptsBooksWritingOrderly PatternsBeginning Of SalvationBeing Found OutOrderly AccountsFrom The BeginningWriting The New Testament

Because He has not turned from His maidservant in her lowly position; For from this time forward all generations will account me happy,

Verse ConceptsFuture GenerationsGod And The HumbleBlessed By Godmindfulness

John's disciples brought him an account of all these things;

Verse ConceptsDisciples Of John The BaptistTelling Of Jesusluck

He called him and said, "'What is this I hear about you? Render an account of your stewardship, for I cannot let you hold it any longer.'

Verse ConceptsOthers SummoningPropertyaccounting

"'A hundred firkins of oil,' he replied. "'Here is your account,' said the steward: 'sit down quickly and change it into fifty firkins.'

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, LiquidPeople Sitting DownOther Volume Measures

"To a second he said, "'And how much do you owe?' "'A hundred quarters of wheat,' was the answer. "'Here is your account,' said he: 'change it into eighty quarters.'

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, DryOther Volume MeasuresDebt

So they pressed the question. "Who are you?" they said--"that we may take an answer to those who sent us. What account do you give of yourself?"

Verse ConceptsWho Is John The Baptist?Acting For OneselfAnswering

and on this account the Jews began to persecute Jesus--because He did these things on the Sabbath.

Verse ConceptsPersecution, Nature OfPlottingPersecution Of ChristThe Sabbath And ChristWhy People Did Things

On this account then the Jews were all the more eager to put Him to death--because He not only broke the Sabbath, but also spoke of God as being in a special sense His Father, thus putting Himself on a level with God.

Verse Conceptsenemies, of Jesus ChristEquality With GodPersecution, Nature OfChrist Would Be KilledRelationship Of Father And SonThe Sabbath And Christrelaxing

So there was a violent dissension among the people on His account.

Verse ConceptsPublic OpinionSchismsDivisions Of Opiniondivision

And there was a division among them. So again they asked the once blind man, "What is your account of him? --for he opened your eyes." "He is a Prophet," he replied.

Verse ConceptsJesus The Prophet

but how it is that he can now see or who has opened his eyes we do not know. Ask him himself; he is of full age; he himself will give his own account of it."

Verse ConceptsAskingNot Knowing How

Now it became widely known among the Jews that Jesus was there; but they came not only on His account, but also in order to see Lazarus whom He had brought back to life.

Verse ConceptsLargenessLiving WitnessesCuriosityPopularity Of ChristCrowds Seekinglazarus

He who holds his life dear, is destroying it; and he who makes his life of no account in this world shall keep it to the Life of the Ages.

Verse Conceptsdiscipleship, nature ofdiscipleship, cost ofEntering LifeLoving OneselfLosing One's Lifelosing a loved oneHateFinding LoveLosing A FriendLosing Someoneeternity

But they will inflict all this suffering upon you on account of your bearing my name--because they do not know Him who sent me.

Verse Conceptsenemies, of believersGod, Revelation OfIgnorance Towards God, Leads ToThe One Who Sent ChristReasons Why The World Hates ChristiansPersecution

The Court added further threats and then let them go, being quite unable to find any way of punishing them on account of the people, because all gave God the glory for the thing that had happened.

Verse ConceptsPeople Set Free By PeopleSpecific Praising Of God

"'On no account, Lord,' I replied, 'for nothing unholy or impure has ever gone into my mouth.'

Verse ConceptsMouthsFar Be It!Forbidden FoodLack Of Holiness

Those, however, who had been driven in various directions by the persecution which broke out on account of Stephen made their way to Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, delivering the Message to none but Jews.

Verse Conceptsdispersion, theJews, TheMission, Of The ChurchTravelAntioch in SyriaThe Church ScatteredSalvation For IsraelThe Gospel To Jew And GentilePersecution

and Paul desiring that he should accompany him on his journey, took him and circumcised him on account of the Jews in those parts, for they all knew that his father was a Greek.

Verse ConceptsCircumcision, physicalMissionary Work, Examples OfGoing TogetherIsrael HardenedJews

There is danger, therefore, not only that this our trade will become of no account, but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana will fall into utter disrepute, and that before long she will be actually deposed from her majestic rank--she who is now worshipped by the whole province of Asia; nay, by the whole world."

Verse ConceptsCovetousness, Example OfAll NationsWorshipping Material ThingsDeposing

"It was on this account that the Jews seized me in the Temple and tried to kill me.

Verse ConceptsAttempting To Kill Specific PeopleDisciples In The Temple

For prior to the Law sin was already in the world; only it is not entered in the account against us when no Law exists.

Verse ConceptsKnowledge, Of SinReckoningThe Entrance Of SinWithout The Lawaccounting

We are to tell how God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not charging men's transgressions to their account, and that He has entrusted to us the Message of this reconciliation.

Verse ConceptsAtonementCommitmentAmbassadorsImputationPropitiationSin, Deliverance From GodSociety, Positive Aspects OfGod Has ForgivenPeace Made Through ChristRighteousness imputedReconciliation with GodReconciliation

but also by the fact that he had felt comforted on your account, and by the report which he brought of your eager affection, of your grief, and of your jealousy on my behalf, so that I rejoiced more than ever.

Verse ConceptsAffection, ExpressingJoy, Of The ChurchMourning In RegretRight Desires

For I know your earnest willingness, on account of which I habitually boast of you to the Macedonians, pointing out to them that for a whole year you in Greece have been ready; and the greater number of them have been spurred on by your ardour.

Verse ConceptsEnthusiasmAttitudes, to other peopleReadinessProvokingFervourZealousness, Examples OfPaul's BoastingPeople Willing

And you know that in those early days it was on account of bodily infirmity that I proclaimed the Good News to you,

Verse ConceptsdiseasesInfirmitiesThe Gospel PreachedSicknessWeaknessIllness

On this account do not prove yourselves wanting in sense, but try to understand what the Lord's will is.

Verse ConceptsFolly, Effects OfUnderstandingSeeking Things AboveKnowing God's WillGod's WillSexual Purity

But into the second, the High Priest goes only on one day of the year, and goes alone, taking with him blood, which he offers on his own behalf and on account of the sins which the people have ignorantly committed.

Verse ConceptsExpiationBlood Of SacrificesAtonement, Types OfAtonement, in OTDay Of AtonementMost Holy PlaceSin, God's Remedy ForSin OfferingTypesAaron, As High PriestTypes Of ChristEvery YearSecond ThingAtoning By SacrificesRiversignorancepriests

This is the John who taught the truth concerning the Word of God and the truth told us by Jesus Christ-- a faithful account of what he had seen.

Verse ConceptsThe Prophecy Towards JerusalemWitness To The GospelWitnessingtestimony

I John, your brother, and a sharer with you in the sorrows and Kingship and patient endurance of Jesus, found myself in the island of Patmos, on account of the Word of God and the truth told us by Jesus.

Verse ConceptsCompanionsIslandsKingdom Of God, Entry IntoLonelinessParticipation, In ChristWitnessing, And Holy SpiritSolitudePeople Of The KingdomSharing In ChristSubsequent Witness To ChristEnduranceperserverancepartnershipperseveringChristians Being Called Brothers

It said, "Write forthwith in a roll an account of what you see, and send it to the seven Churches--to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyateira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea."

Verse ConceptsScrollsWritingChurch, Examples OfPreeminence Of ChristSeven PeopleWriting The New TestamentInspiration

And heavy hail, that seemed to be a talent in weight, fell from the sky upon the people; and they spoke evil of God on account of the plague of the hail--because the plague of it was exceedingly severe.

Verse ConceptsTalentsHailSkyDisastersWeights Of Other ThingsSigns Of The End TimesEnd Timesbaseballweight

And I saw thrones, and some who were seated on them, to whom judgment was entrusted. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded on account of the testimony that they had borne to Jesus and on account of God's Message, and also the souls of those who had not worshipped the Wild Beast or his statue, nor received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands; and they came to Life and were kings with Christ for a thousand years.

Verse ConceptsForeheads666Faithfulness, To Godevil, victory overdefianceBeheadingThe BeastJudgesJudgment SeatPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSelf SacrificeThe Immortal SoulMartyrdom, Methods OfSufferings RewardedRemoving HeadsCosmic CreaturesBelievers JudgingMarks On PeopleAuthority Of DisciplesAvoiding IdolatrySubsequent Witness To ChristWorshipping The DevilMark Of The BeastHow First Resurrection Is Spread OutSigns Of The Timesend times prophecyMartyrdom

Bible Theasaurus

Account (632 instances)
Accounts (17 instances)
Calculate (7 instances)
Invoice (2 instances)
Listing (1 instance)
Menu (1 instance)
Report (184 instances)
Score (1 instance)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 124

Usage: 3

Ta`am (Aramaic) 
Usage: 5

Usage: 132

Usage: 161

Usage: 32

Usage: 2

Usage: 2

Usage: 40

word , saying , account , speech , Word , thing , not tr ,
Usage: 256