14 occurrences

'Beautiful' in the Bible

and it cometh to pass as he hath drawn near to enter Egypt, that he saith unto Sarai his wife, 'Lo, I pray thee, I have known that thou art a woman of beautiful appearance;

Verse ConceptsBeauty, In WomenWomen's BeautyBeauty Of NatureTrust In RelationshipsThe Beauty Of NatureBeing Beautifulsarah

and the mitre of linen, and the beautiful bonnets of linen, and the linen trousers, of twined linen,

Verse ConceptsDressLinen ItemsTurban And CapsUndergarments

and ye have taken to yourselves on the first day the fruit of beautiful trees, branches of palms, and boughs of thick trees, and willows of a brook, and have rejoiced before Jehovah your God seven days.

Verse ConceptsFeast Of TabernaclesSeven DaysFoliageWillowsBrooks

Beautiful for elevation, A joy of all the land, is Mount Zion, The sides of the north, the city of a great king.

Verse ConceptsGod, Greatness OfBeautifulBeauty Of JerusalemBeauty Of NatureThe Beauty Of Naturezion

The whole He hath made beautiful in its season; also, that knowledge He hath put in their heart without which man findeth not out the work that God hath done from the beginning even unto the end.

Verse ConceptsBeautifulBeauty, In NatureAdaptabilityBeginning And EndBeing Found OutHeartbreakBeauty Of ThingsTime ManagementGod's Ways Beyond Human UnderstandingGod's TimingGods TimingBeing BeautifulWaiting For God's Timingeternity

Lo, that which I have seen: It is good, because beautiful, to eat, and to drink, and to see good in all one's labour that he laboureth at under the sun, the number of the days of his life that God hath given to him, for it is his portion.

Verse ConceptsDietsEating And DrinkingEating Drinking And RejoicingSunHaving A Good DayBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeEnjoying Lifefatehardwork

As the chorus of 'Mahanaim.' How beautiful were thy feet with sandals, O daughter of Nadib. The turnings of thy sides are as ornaments, Work of the hands of an artificer.

Verse ConceptsBeautifulShoesWearing JewelleryjewelryartistsBeautiful Women

Our holy and our beautiful house, Where praise Thee did our fathers, Hath become burnt with fire, And all our desirable things have become a waste.

Verse ConceptsTreasureArchaeologyBurning JerusalemOther Praising Of GodPraising God In Public Worship

Lift up your eyes, and see those coming in from the north, Where is the drove given to thee, thy beautiful flock?

Verse ConceptsOut Of The NorthBeauty Of Nature

And thou dost put on gold and silver, And thy clothing is fine linen, And figured silk and embroidery, Fine flour, and honey, and oil thou hast eaten, And thou art very very beautiful, And dost go prosperously to the kingdom.

Verse ConceptsFoodAdornment, Of WomenGoldQueensSilverHoneyProsperityOlive Oilroyaltyprospering

'Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye are like to whitewashed sepulchres, which outwardly indeed do appear beautiful, and within are full of bones of dead men, and of all uncleanness;

Verse ConceptsWhiteWicked Described AsSepulchresThe Inward BeingBonesFigurative BurialsWhitewashingBeauty Of ThingsUnclean ThingsHypocritesHypocrisyInner Beauty

and a certain man, being lame from the womb of his mother, was being carried, whom they were laying every day at the gate of the temple, called Beautiful, to ask a kindness from those entering into the temple,

Verse ConceptsCripplesGatesLamenessLonelinessWeakness, PhysicalBeauty, In ArtefactsHelplessnessChronic AilmentsSitting In The GatewayNamed GatesFrom The WombOnce A DayPeople Carrying Live PeopleInner BeautyThe Beauty Of Nature

they were knowing him also that this it was who for a kindness was sitting at the Beautiful gate of the temple, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what hath happened to him.

Verse ConceptsGatesMiracles, Responses ToAlmsgivingAltruismCharitySitting In The GatewayNamed GatesRecognising Peoplesurprises

Bible Theasaurus

Attractive (38 instances)
Beauteous (12 instances)
Comely (29 instances)
Dainty (13 instances)
Delicate (37 instances)
Elegant (5 instances)
Gorgeous (3 instances)
Graceful (6 instances)
Handsome (22 instances)
Harmonious (4 instances)
Lovely (31 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 41

Usage: 553

Usage: 8

Usage: 3

Usage: 32

Usage: 15

תּפארת תּפארה 
Usage: 51

Usage: 3