8 occurrences

'Circumstances' in the Bible

They will judge the people under normal circumstances, and every difficult case they will bring to you, but every small case they themselves will judge, so that you may make it easier for yourself, and they will bear the burden with you.

Verse ConceptsSharing BurdensGreat ThingsUnimportant Things

They judged the people under normal circumstances; the difficult cases they would bring to Moses, but every small case they would judge themselves.

Verse ConceptsPeople Involved In JudgementHard TasksUnimportant ThingsStrength In Hard Times

Then the Lord said to me, "Under the circumstances, wayward Israel could even be considered less guilty than unfaithful Judah.

Verse ConceptsComparisonsPeople In RighteousnessBackslidingBacksliders

Tychicus, my dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will make everything known to you, so that you too may know about my circumstances, how I am doing.

Verse ConceptsMinistry, Qualifications ForThings RevealedChristians Are Called Servants Of Christ

I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts.

Verse ConceptsMissionaries, Task OfKnowing FactsEncouragementPeace And Comfortencouraging

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