'Deed' in the Bible
and Joseph saith to them, 'What is this deed that ye have done? have ye not known that a man like me doth diligently observe?'
And, now, if in truth and in sincerity ye have acted, when ye make Abimelech king; and if ye have done good with Jerubbaal, and with his house; and if according to the deed of his hands ye have done to him --
And a certain aged prophet is dwelling in Beth-El, and his son cometh and recounteth to him all the deed that the man of God hath done to-day in Beth-El, the words that he hath spoken unto the king, -- yea, they recount them to their father.
and Hezekiah hath not returned according to the deed done unto him, for his heart hath been lofty, and there is wrath upon him, and upon Judah and Jerusalem;
Give to them according to their acting, And according to the evil of their doings. According to the work of their hands give to them. Return their deed to them.
And all men fear, and declare the work of God, And His deed they have considered wisely.
O daughter of Babylon, O destroyed one, O the happiness of him who repayeth to thee thy deed, That thou hast done to us.
From the fruit of the mouth is one satisfied with good, And the deed of man's hands returneth to him.
Whoso is lending to Jehovah is favouring the poor, And his deed He repayeth to him.
Woe to the wicked -- evil, Because the deed of his hand is done to him.
For as at mount Perazim rise doth Jehovah, As at the valley in Gibeon He is troubled, To do His work -- strange is His work, And to do His deed -- strange is His deed.'
Their webs become not a garment, Nor do they cover themselves with their works, Their works are works of iniquity, And a deed of violence is in their hands.
According to deeds -- so He repayeth. Fury to His adversaries, their deed to His enemies, To the isles their deed He repayeth.
Thou returnest to them the deed, O Jehovah, According to the work of their hands.
For near is the day of Jehovah, on all the nations, As thou hast done, it is done to thee, Thy deed doth turn back on thine own head.
-- he was not consenting to their counsel and deed -- from Arimathea, a city of the Jews, who also himself was expecting the reign of God,
And he said to them, 'What things?' And they said to him, 'The things about Jesus of Nazareth, who became a man -- a prophet -- powerful in deed and word, before God and all the people,
if we to-day are examined concerning the good deed to the ailing man, by whom he hath been saved,
for I will not dare to speak anything of the things that Christ did not work through me, to obedience of nations, by word and deed,
This one -- let him reckon thus: that such as we are in word, through letters, being absent, such also, being present, we are in deed.
and apart from thy mind I willed to do nothing, that as of necessity thy good deed may not be, but of willingness,
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