37 occurrences

'Defile' in the Bible

For I am Yahweh your God. Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be holy; for I am holy: neither shall you defile yourselves with any kind of creeping thing that moves on the earth.

Verse ConceptsGod, The LordLaw, OtSexual Sin, Nature OfSin, And God's CharacterUnclean SpiritsPeople Polluting ThemselvesThe Lord Is GodBe Holy For I Am Holy

"'Thus you shall separate the children of Israel from their uncleanness, so they will not die in their uncleanness, when they defile my tabernacle that is in their midst.'"

Verse ConceptsExclusivenessHoliness,  Worldly SeparationParticipation, In SinSeparationDeath Due To God's PresencePolluting Holy Places

"'You shall not lie with any animal to defile yourself with it; neither shall any woman give herself to an animal, to lie down with it: it is a perversion.

Verse ConceptsSexual Sin, Nature OfBestialityLaws Of Sexual UnionRelation Of Animals To ManInterracial Marriagesex

"'Don't defile yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations which I am casting out before you were defiled.

Verse ConceptsPollutionsPollution ForbiddenThe Lord Will Drive Them OutDefilement

that the land not vomit you out also, when you defile it, as it vomited out the nation that was before you.

Verse ConceptsPurity, Moral And SpiritualRetributionDefilementSame Sex Marriage

Therefore you shall keep my requirements, that you do not practice any of these abominable customs, which were practiced before you, and that you do not defile yourselves with them: I am Yahweh your God.'"

Verse ConceptsCustomPurity, Moral And SpiritualThe Lord Is GodHating Uncleanness

I also will set my face against that person, and will cut him off from among his people because he has given of his seed to Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.

Verse ConceptsFace Of GodOpposition, To Sin And EvilSanctuaryProfaning God's NameGod OpposingPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

Yahweh said to Moses, "Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them, 'A priest shall not defile himself for the dead among his people;

Verse ConceptsHoliness,  Worldly SeparationPriests, Function In Ot TimesPollutionsPollution ForbiddenDeath Of A Family MemberGrandmothers

and for his virgin sister who is near to him, who has had no husband; for her he may defile himself.

Verse ConceptsBrothersSinglenessvirginity

He shall not defile himself, being a chief man among his people, to profane himself.

Verse ConceptsPollution Forbidden

Both you shall put male and female outside of the camp; that they not defile their camp, in the midst of which I dwell."

Verse ConceptsGod Living With UsRegulations For Men And Women

You shall not defile the land which you inhabit, in the midst of which I dwell: for I, Yahweh, dwell in the midst of the children of Israel.'"

Verse ConceptsDefilement, Ceremonial CausesGod Living With UsGod Is Among YouDefilementrelaxation

his body shall not remain all night on the tree, but you shall surely bury him the same day; for he who is hanged is accursed of God; that you don't defile your land which Yahweh your God gives you for an inheritance.

Verse ConceptsThe AccursedGallowsHangingHumiliationKillingPollutionsOvernightThe Curse Of The LawPeople Hung To DeathBurying places

The high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the mountain of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had built for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Sidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Milcom the abomination of the children of Ammon, did the king defile.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsFalse GodsHillsAbominations, Idolatry IsPolluting The LandServing Asherah

You shall defile the overlaying of your engraved images of silver, and the plating of your molten images of gold. You shall cast them away as an unclean thing. You shall tell it, "Go away!"

Verse ConceptsGoldMenstruationOverlaid With SilverAbandoning IdolsUnclean Things

For the children of Judah have done that which is evil in my sight, says Yahweh: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to defile it.

Verse ConceptsIrreverenceAbominations, Idolatry IsAbominations, Sin IsPollutions

But they set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to defile it.

Verse ConceptsA Place For God's NameAbominations

He said to them, Defile the house, and fill the courts with the slain. Go forth! They went forth, and struck in the city.

Verse ConceptsFilling The SanctuaryGoing OutsideGod KillingGod Killed His PeopleCourts Of The Temple

that the house of Israel may go no more astray from me, neither defile themselves any more with all their transgressions; but that they may be my people, and I may be their God, says the Lord Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsDefilement, By SinPeople Going AstrayPeople Polluting ThemselvesI Will Be Their GodSin Clings To The Sinnerreuniting

I said to them, Cast away every man the abominations of his eyes, and don't defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt; I am Yahweh your God.

Verse ConceptsAbominations, Judgments OfAbominations, Sin IsSending Things AwayEvil EyesPollution ForbiddenAvoiding IdolatryI Will Be Their God

I said to their children in the wilderness, Don't walk in the statutes of your fathers, neither observe their ordinances, nor defile yourselves with their idols.

Verse ConceptsBad ParentsFalse ReligionExamples, Badevil, warnings againstChildren, attitudes towardsNot Imitating EvilPollution ForbiddenAvoiding IdolatryParents Being Wrongstatues

You shall say, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: A city that sheds blood in the midst of her, that her time may come, and that makes idols against herself to defile her!

Verse ConceptsSheddingThe Day Of JudgementPeople Polluting ThemselvesKilling Many People

therefore, behold, I will bring strangers on you, the terrible of the nations; and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom, and they shall defile your brightness.

Verse ConceptsForeignersSuffering From ForeignersLosing HonourPeople Without Mercy

neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions; but I will save them out of all their dwelling places, in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them: so shall they be my people, and I will be their God.

Verse ConceptsOffenceBeing Cleansed From SinAvoiding IdolatryI Will Be Their God

He said to me, Son of man, [this is] the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever. The house of Israel shall no more defile my holy name, neither they, nor their kings, by their prostitution, and by the dead bodies of their kings [in] their high places;

Verse ConceptsGod, Human Descriptions OfCarcass, Figurative UseHigh PlacesNames And Titles For The ChurchGod Living With UsProfaning God's NameSpiritual HarlotryCare Of FeetRules About Corpses

They shall go in to no dead person to defile themselves; but for father, or for mother, or for son, or for daughter, for brother, or for sister who has had no husband, they may defile themselves.

Verse ConceptsBrothersdaughtersParentsPriests, Function In Ot TimesSinglenessSistersLove Between RelativesHonouring ParentsPollution ForbiddenRules About CorpsesUnmarriedRelationships With Boyfriend

But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the king's dainties, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

Verse ConceptsAbstinenceConformityAlcoholCivil authoritiesDefilement, Ceremonial CausesGood Decision Making ExamplesDecisivenessLuxurySelf DenialSelf DisciplineSelf IndulgenceTemptation, ResistingForbidden FoodDefilementEating Meatpork

That which enters into the mouth doesn't defile the man; but that which proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man."

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfCursingEntering The MouthComing Out Of PeopleFood PermittedOther References To MouthsDefilementMarijuana

But the things which proceed out of the mouth come out of the heart, and they defile the man.

Verse ConceptsComing Out Of PeopleBeware Of Your SpeechOther References To MouthsDefilementThe Tonguemath

These are the things which defile the man; but to eat with unwashed hands doesn't defile the man."

Verse ConceptsSexual Sin, Nature OfPeople UnwashedDefilement

There is nothing from outside of the man, that going into him can defile him; but the things which proceed out of the man are those that defile the man.

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfExternalsEntering The MouthComing Out Of PeopleFood PermittedDefilementprepping

He said to them, "Are you thus without understanding also? Don't you perceive that whatever goes into the man from outside can't defile him,

Verse ConceptsExternalsEntering The MouthBeing Without UnderstandingDefilementprepping

All these evil things come from within, and defile the man."

Verse ConceptsSexual Sin, Nature OfThe Inward BeingDefilementGreed

Yet in the same way, these also in their dreaming defile the flesh, despise authority, and slander celestial beings.

Verse ConceptsDefilement, Objects OfCivic DutiesHonouring RulersAnarchyMisleading DreamsRespecting Authority

Nevertheless you have a few names in Sardis that did not defile their garments. They will walk with me in white, for they are worthy.

Verse ConceptsRest, EternalWalkingWorthinessWhite And Bright ClothesClothed With RighteousnessWhite ClothsClean ClothesFew PeopleFew In The KingdomWorthy PeopleThe Environment

Bible Theasaurus

Corrupt (70 instances)
Defile (89 instances)
Deteriorate (2 instances)
Gorge (4 instances)
Stain (9 instances)
Taint (1 instance)
Tarnish (1 instance)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 11

Usage: 1

Usage: 142

Usage: 11

Usage: 162

Usage: 88

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 19

Usage: 2

Usage: 12

Usage: 5

Usage: 5

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 8