2 occurrences in 13 translations
'Lower' in the Bible
He built Upper Beth-horon and Lower Beth-horon—fortified cities with walls, gates, and bars—
Then a certain man drew his bow at random and struck [Ahab] the king of Israel between the scales of his armor. So Ahab said to his chariot driver, “Turn around and take me out of the battle, because I am seriously wounded.”
Related Words
- Almond-flower (4 instances in 1 translation)
- Blower (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Blowers (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Flower (40 instances in 12 translations)
- Flower-shaped (2 instances in 2 translations)
- Flowerbeds (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Flowered (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Flowering (7 instances in 2 translations)
- Flowers (47 instances in 13 translations)
- Follower (14 instances in 4 translations)
- Followers (100 instances in 11 translations)
- Henna-flowers (1 instance in 2 translations)
- Lowered (19 instances in 10 translations)
- Lowering (5 instances in 10 translations)
- Plower (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Plowers (2 instances in 7 translations)
- Sweet-smelling-flower (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Wildflower (1 instance in 1 translation)
- Wildflowers (2 instances in 1 translation)
Bible Theasaurus
Scurvy (3 instances)
Small (371 instances)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form
Usage: 22