33 occurrences

'Panic' in the Bible

In the morning watch the Lord looked down on the Egyptian army through the pillar of fire and cloud, and he threw the Egyptian army into a panic.

Verse ConceptsConfusion, Examples OfNightObelisksGod Appearing In FireGod Seeing The WickedPuzzlementcloudsarmy

The Lord your God will give them over to you; he will throw them into a great panic until they are destroyed.

Verse ConceptsConfusionDisorder Among The Nations

The Lord told Joshua, "Don't be afraid and don't panic! Take the whole army with you and march against Ai! See, I am handing over to you the king of Ai, along with his people, city, and land.

Verse ConceptsLand, As A Divine GiftWarfare, Nature OfResisting DiscouragementGradual Conquest Of The LandThose God Gave Into Their Hands

Then Joshua said to them, "Don't be afraid and don't panic! Be strong and brave, for the Lord will do the same thing to all your enemies you fight.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual Warfare, As ConflictAnger Of God, Examples OfBraveryStrength Of PeopleBe Courageous!Be Strong!CourageBeing Scared

But after it had been moved the Lord attacked that city as well, causing a great deal of panic. He struck all the people of that city with sores.

As Samuel was offering burnt offerings, the Philistines approached to do battle with Israel. But on that day the Lord thundered loudly against the Philistines. He caused them to panic, and they were defeated by Israel.

Verse ConceptsConfusion, Examples OfdefeatThunderAnger Of God, Examples OfGod OvercomingThunder Expressing God's Judgment

While Saul spoke to the priest, the panic in the Philistines' camp was becoming greater and greater. So Saul said to the priest, "Withdraw your hand!"

Verse ConceptsPlucking OutDisorder Among The Nations

Saul and all the army that was with him assembled and marched into battle, where they found the Philistines in total panic killing one another with their swords.

Verse ConceptsConfusionChaosDisorder Among The NationsFighting One AnotherKilling One AnotherWarBattlearmystories

Then you will succeed, if you carefully obey the rules and regulations which the Lord ordered Moses to give to Israel. Be strong and brave! Don't be afraid and don't panic!

Verse ConceptsVictory, As An Act Of GodBraveryResisting DiscouragementStrength Of People

David said to his son Solomon: "Be strong and brave! Do it! Don't be afraid and don't panic! For the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not leave you or abandon you before all the work for the service of the Lord's temple is finished.

Verse ConceptsFailture, God Will NeverBeing AfraiddiscouragementInexperienceBraveryGod's Help In DiscouragementStrength Of PeopleGod Not ForsakingCourageCourage And StrengthStaying Strong And Not Giving UpFinishing Strongfearlessfinishing

They defeated all the cities surrounding Gerar, for the Lord caused them to panic. The men of Judah looted all the cities, for they contained a huge amount of goods.

Verse ConceptsVillagesTerror Of God

He said: "Pay attention, all you people of Judah, residents of Jerusalem, and King Jehoshaphat! This is what the Lord says to you: 'Don't be afraid and don't panic because of this huge army! For the battle is not yours, but God's.

Verse ConceptsCourage, In Facing EnemiesdiscouragementListeningRescueVictory, As An Act Of GodstruggleBattlearmy

You will not fight in this battle. Take your positions, stand, and watch the Lord deliver you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Don't be afraid and don't panic! Tomorrow march out toward them; the Lord is with you!'"

Verse ConceptsAssurance in the life of faithFear, Overcome BystruggleBattletomorrowdeliverance

"Be strong and brave! Don't be afraid and don't panic because of the king of Assyria and this huge army that is with him! We have with us one who is stronger than those who are with him.

Verse ConceptsCourage, In Facing EnemiesdiscouragementBraveryResisting Discouragement

When you ignore them, they panic. When you take away their life's breath, they die and return to dust.

Verse ConceptsBreath Of LifeFace Of GodChaosCreatures Returning To DustDeath Of CreaturesGod Hiding

They panic -- cramps and pain seize hold of them like those of a woman who is straining to give birth. They look at one another in astonishment; their faces are flushed red.

Verse ConceptsChildbirthPunishment, Nature OfTravailLabour Pains

The Egyptians will panic, and I will confuse their strategy. They will seek guidance from the idols and from the spirits of the dead, from the pits used to conjure up underworld spirits, and from the magicians.

Verse ConceptsadvisersHuman EmotionGuidance, Need For God'sHeart, HumanMediumsPessimismPlansSpiritsDivinationNecromancyLosing CourageOccultismOccult Being Powerless Before God

For the sovereign master, the Lord who commands armies, has planned a day of panic, defeat, and confusion. In the Valley of Vision people shout and cry out to the hill.

Verse ConceptsBattering ramsValleysWallsVisions From God

Therefore, this is what the sovereign master, the Lord, says: "Look, I am laying a stone in Zion, an approved stone, set in place as a precious cornerstone for the foundation. The one who maintains his faith will not panic.

Verse ConceptsFreedom, Of The WillFoundationsCornerstonesFaith, Necessity OfGod, The RockMasonsNot AshamedTrust, Importance OfZion, As A SymbolChrist, Names ForCornerstoneSpiritual FoundationsCapstoneMessianic PropheciesChrist The RockThe Effects Of FaithCauses of failure in

Sinners are afraid in Zion; panic grips the godless. They say, 'Who among us can coexist with destructive fire? Who among us can coexist with unquenchable fire?'

Verse ConceptsEternal DeathGuilt, Human Aspects OfHell, Punishment OfHell, Description OfPunishment, By GodSinnersUngodlinessGuilty FearTerror Of God

Don't panic! Don't be afraid! Did I not tell you beforehand and decree it? You are my witnesses! Is there any God but me? There is no other sheltering rock; I know of none.

Verse ConceptsGod, The RockRocksWitnessing, Importance OfNo Other Is God

Look, all his associates will be put to shame; the craftsmen are mere humans. Let them all assemble and take their stand! They will panic and be put to shame.

Verse ConceptsShameCoal, Uses OfShame Of Idolatrycraftsmanship

Yet do not depart quickly or leave in a panic. For the Lord goes before you; the God of Israel is your rear guard.

Verse ConceptsGuardsRashnessShieldsGod Going BeforeflyingDivine Protection

Yes, here is what he says: "You hear cries of panic and of terror; there is no peace in sight.

Verse ConceptsPeople AppalledNo Peaceterrorismwholeness

The nations will hear of your devastating defeat. your cries of distress will echo throughout the earth. In the panic of their flight one soldier will trip over another and both of them will fall down defeated."

Verse ConceptsWarriorsDisorganizationPeople StumblingShame Has Come

The people of Damascus will lose heart and turn to flee. Panic will grip them. Pain and anguish will seize them like a woman in labor.

Verse ConceptsLabour PainsUnable To Do Other Thingsdamascus

Panic and pitfall have come upon us, devastation and destruction.

Verse ConceptsDestructionPitfalls

A sword will come against Egypt and panic will overtake Ethiopia when the slain fall in Egypt and they carry away her wealth and dismantle her foundations.

Verse ConceptsFoundationsAfricaFoundations Of NationsKilled With The SwordTaking Possessions

On that day messengers will go out from me in ships to frighten overly confident Ethiopia; panic will overtake them on the day of Egypt's doom; for beware -- it is coming!

Verse ConceptsComplacencySeafaringSea Travel

On that day they will say to Jerusalem, "Don't be afraid, Zion! Your hands must not be paralyzed from panic!

Verse ConceptsNo Strength To Cope

Bible Theasaurus

Affright (5 instances)
Panic (58 instances)
Scare (9 instances)
Terror (183 instances)

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