3 occurrences

'Partial' in the Bible

For they did not conquer the land by their swords, and they did not prevail by their strength, but rather by your power, strength and good favor, for you were partial to them.

Verse ConceptsCountenanceLight, SpiritualPeople Of God, In OtRight Hand Of GodArm Of GodGod's HandStrength Of GodGod Is LightNot Aloneland

For I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: A partial hardening has happened to Israel until the full number of the Gentiles has come in.

Verse ConceptsFulnessConceit, Description OfMysteryFullness Of The KingdomFalse WisdomGod Hardening PeopleSubdivisionsIsrael HardenedGentilesBlindnessIgnorance of GodTrust In RelationshipsPatience In RelationshipsBuilding RelationshipsWaiting Till Marriageignorance

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Partial (19 instances)
Unfair (5 instances)

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Usage: 1

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