'Profane' in the Bible
“You are not to make any of your children pass through the fire to Molech. Do not profane the name of your God; I am Yahweh.
They are to be holy to their God and not profane the name of their God. For they present the fire offerings to Yahweh, the food of their God, and they must be holy.
“Tell Aaron and his sons to deal respectfully with the holy offerings of the Israelites that they have consecrated to Me, so they do not profane My holy name; I am Yahweh.
They must keep My instruction, or they will be guilty and die because they profane it; I am Yahweh who sets them apart.
The priests must not profane the holy offerings the Israelites give to the Lord
You must not profane My holy name; I must be treated as holy among the Israelites. I am Yahweh who sets you apart,
I will hand these things overto foreigners as plunderand to the wicked of the earth as spoil,and they will profane them.
I will turn My face from the wickedas they profane My treasured place.Violent men will enter it and profane it.
You profane Me in front of My people for handfuls of barley and scraps of bread; you kill those who should not die and spare those who should not live, when you lie to My people, who listen to lies.
And you, profane and wicked prince of Israel,the day has comefor your punishment.”
While they offer false visionsand lying divinations about you,the time has come to put youto the necks of the profane wicked ones;the day has comefor your punishment.
Her priests do violence to My instruction and profane My holy things. They make no distinction between the holy and the common, and they do not explain the difference between the clean and the unclean. They disregard My Sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.
On the same day they slaughtered their children for their idols, they entered My sanctuary to profane it. Yes, that is what they did inside My house.
Her prophets are reckless—treacherous men.Her priests profane the sanctuary;they do violence to instruction.
How much worse punishment do you think one will deserve who has trampled on the Son of God, regarded as profane the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and insulted the Spirit of grace?
Nothing profane will ever enter it: no one who does what is vile or false, but only those written in the Lamb’s book of life.