187 occurrences

'Sacrifice' in the Bible

And Isaac said to Abraham, “My father!” And he said, “Here I am, my son.” Isaac said, “Look, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”

Verse ConceptsFireLambsBurning SacrificesFirewoodBehold Me!Sheep And GoatsWhere Are Things?

Then Abraham looked up and glanced around, and behold, behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up for a burnt offering (ascending sacrifice) instead of his son.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamHornsRamsSubstitutionNames Of GodHorns Of AnimalsVicarious Substitution

Then Jacob offered a sacrifice [to the Lord] on the mountain, and called his relatives to the meal; and they ate food and spent the night on the mountain.

Verse ConceptsFeasting On Special OccasionsFeastingInvitationsEating Before GodStaying Temporarily

The elders [of the tribes] will listen and pay attention to what you say; and you, with the elders of Israel, shall go to the king of Egypt and you shall say to him, ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us; so now, please, [we ask and plead with you,] let us go on a three days’ journey into the wilderness, so that we may sacrifice to the Lord our God.’

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, DistancesThree DaysParticular JourneysA Feast In The WildernessPaying Attention To People

Then they said, “The God of the Hebrews has met with us. Please, let us go on a three days’ journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord our God, so that He does not discipline us with pestilence or with the sword.”

Verse ConceptsSwordsThree DaysParticular JourneysA Feast In The WildernessGod Might Kill His People

But the number of bricks which they were making before, you shall [still] require of them; you are not to reduce it in the least. For they are idle and lazy; that is why they cry, ‘Let us go and sacrifice to our God.’

Verse ConceptsOppression, Examples OfNumbers ReducingNo Reduction

But Pharaoh said, “You are lazy, very lazy and idle! That is why you say, ‘Let us go and sacrifice to the Lord.’

Verse Conceptshumor

Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, “Plead with the Lord that He may take away the frogs from me and my people; and I will let the people go, so that they may sacrifice to the Lord.”

Verse ConceptsKings SummoningPray For UsPraying For SinnersTaking Animals

Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, “Go, sacrifice to your God [here] in the land [of Egypt].”

Verse ConceptsKings Summoning

But Moses said, “It is not right [or even possible] to do that, for we will sacrifice to the Lord our God what is repulsive and unacceptable to the Egyptians [that is, animals that the Egyptians consider sacred]. If we sacrifice what is repulsive and unacceptable to the Egyptians, will they not riot and stone us?

Verse ConceptsAbominationsAbominations, PracticesFear Of StoningHating Peoplescats

We must go a three days’ journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord our God as He commands us.”

Verse ConceptsThree DaysParticular JourneysA Feast In The Wilderness

So Pharaoh said, “I will let you go, so that you may sacrifice to the Lord your God in the wilderness; only you shall not go very far away. Plead [with your God] for me.”

Verse ConceptsPeople Not Far AwayPray For UsPraying For SinnersSacrificesupplication

Moses said, “I am going to leave you, and I will urgently petition (pray, entreat) the Lord that the swarms of insects may leave Pharaoh, his servants, and his people tomorrow; only do not let Pharaoh act deceitfully again by not letting the people go to sacrifice to the Lord.”

Verse ConceptsExamples Of DeceitGod's Action TomorrowThose Who Deceived

But Moses said, “You must also let us have sacrifices and burnt offerings, so that we may sacrifice them to the Lord our God.

Verse ConceptsBurnt offering

you shall say, ‘It is the sacrifice of the Lord’s Passover, for He passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt when He struck the Egyptians, but spared our houses.’” And the people bowed [their heads] low and worshiped [God].

Verse ConceptsBowingProperty, HousesPassing OverReverence, And ObedienceBowing Heads Before GodGod KillingRegulations For PassoverWorshipping GodGod Killed The Peoples

For it happened, when Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, that the Lord struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man and the firstborn of animal. Therefore, I sacrifice to the Lord all the males, the first [to be born] of every womb, but every firstborn of my sons I redeem.’

Verse ConceptsStubbornness, Consequences OfDeath Of The FirstbornGod KillingMale AnimalsBoth Men And Animals KilledHindering God's WorkGod Killed The PeoplesRegulating Sacrifices

You shall make an altar of earth for Me, and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings, your sheep and your oxen. In every place where I cause My Name to be recorded and remembered [through revelation of My divine nature] I will come to you and bless you.

Verse ConceptsOxenFellowship OfferingAltars, Made OfBurnt offeringSheepShrinesReminders Of GodProclaiming God’s NameGod Will BlessRegulating SacrificesSacrificesPeace offerings

“You shall not offer the blood of My sacrifice with leavened bread; and the fat of My feast is not to be left overnight until morning.

Verse ConceptsBlood Of SacrificesAnimal Sacrifices, BurntOvernightFat Of Animals

You shall make its plates [for the showbread] and its cups [for incense] and its pitchers and bowls for sacrificial drink offerings; you shall make them of pure gold.

Verse ConceptsSpoonsBowlsGold Items For The TabernaclMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsProvision Of Temple Utensils

You shall not offer any strange incense on this altar, or burnt offering or meal offering; you shall not pour out a drink offering on it.

Verse ConceptsAltar Of Incensedrink offeringAnimal Sacrifices, Meal OfferingIncense Offered AmissMeat offerings

otherwise you might make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and they would play the prostitute with their gods and sacrifice to their gods, and someone might invite you to eat his sacrifice (meal),

Verse ConceptsFood For Other godsFood Offered To IdolsWorshipping Material Things

“You shall not offer the blood of My sacrifice with leavened bread, nor shall the sacrifice of the Feast of the Passover (Unleavened Bread) be left over until morning.

Verse ConceptsPassoverYeastRemaining OfferingsRegulations For Passover

‘If a man’s offering is a sacrifice of peace offerings, if he offers an animal from the herd, whether male or female, he shall offer it without blemish before the Lord.

Verse ConceptsCripplesFellowship OfferingAnimals, religious role ofTypes Of ChristHerdsPerfect SacrificesMale And Female AnimalsPeace offerings

From the sacrifice of the peace offerings, an offering by fire to the Lord, he shall present the fat that covers the entrails, and all the fat which is on the entrails,

Verse ConceptsFat Of The SacrificesPeace offerings

(just as these are removed from the ox of the sacrifice of peace offerings), and the priest is to offer them up in smoke on the altar of burnt offering.

And he shall offer all its fat up in smoke on the altar like the fat from the sacrifice of peace offerings; so the priest shall make atonement for him in regard to his sin, and he will be forgiven.

Verse ConceptsFat Of The SacrificesPriests AtoningPeace offerings

Then he shall remove all its fat, just as the fat was removed from the sacrifice of peace offerings; and the priest shall offer it up in smoke on the altar as a sweet and soothing aroma to the Lord. In this way the priest shall make atonement for him, and he will be forgiven.

Verse ConceptsAromasSmellsFat Of The SacrificesRefreshing GodPriests Atoning

Then he shall remove all its fat, just as the fat of the lamb is removed from the sacrifice of the peace offerings, and the priest shall offer it up in smoke on the altar, on the offerings by fire to the Lord. In this way the priest shall make atonement for him in regard to the sin which he has committed, and he will be forgiven.

Verse ConceptsFat Of The SacrificesPriests Atoning

‘Now this is the law of the sacrifice of peace offerings which shall be presented to the Lord:

Verse ConceptsAaron, Priestly ResponsibilitiesSacrificesPeace offerings

With the sacrifice of his peace offerings for thanksgiving, he shall present his offering with cakes of leavened bread.

Verse ConceptsLeavenOfferingsLeavenedPeace offerings

‘The meat of the sacrifice of thanksgiving presented as a peace offering shall be eaten on the day that it is offered; none of it shall be left until morning.

Verse ConceptsThank OfferingSanitation, FoodBodies Of AnimalsOvernightRemaining OfferingsPeace offerings

But if the sacrifice of his offering is a vow or a freewill offering, it shall be eaten on the day that he offers his sacrifice, and on the next day that which remains of it may be eaten;

Verse ConceptsFreewill OfferingVowsMaking VowsRemaining OfferingsPeople WillingFree Will

but what is left over from the meat of the sacrifice on the third day shall be [completely] burned in the fire.

Verse ConceptsBurning SacrificesRemaining Offerings

If any of the meat of the sacrifice of his peace offerings is ever eaten on the third day, then it will not be accepted, and the one who brought it will not be credited with it. It shall be an abhorred (offensive) thing; the one who eats it shall bear his own guilt.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsAcceptance, divineAcceptance, Of WorshipThree Days

But the one who eats meat from the sacrifice of peace offerings which belong to the Lord, in his uncleanness, that person shall be cut off from his people [excluding him from the atonement made for them].

Verse ConceptsPollution ForbiddenThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

When anyone touches any unclean thing—human uncleanness, or an unclean animal, or any unclean detestable thing—and then eats the meat of the sacrifice of the Lord’s peace offerings, that person shall be cut off from his people [excluding him from the atonement made for them].’”

Verse ConceptsAbominationsAbominations, Ceremonial MattersPollutionsTouching Unclean ThingsPeople Being PollutedThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

“Speak to the children of Israel, saying, ‘He who offers the sacrifice of his peace offerings to the Lord shall bring his offering to the Lord from the sacrifice of his peace offerings.

Verse ConceptsPeace offerings

This is the law of the burnt offering, the grain offering, the sin offering, the guilt offering, the consecration (ordination) offering, and the sacrifice of peace offerings,

Verse ConceptsAaron, Priestly ResponsibilitiesOrdinationConsecrationGod Appointing OthersRegulations For Cereal OfferingsRegulations For The Sin OfferingRegulating SacrificesPeace offeringsMeat offerings

After he had washed the entrails and the legs in water, Moses offered up the whole ram in smoke on the altar. It was a burnt offering for a sweet and soothing aroma, an offering by fire to the Lord, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

Verse ConceptsAromasLegsSmellsClean AnimalsRefreshing God

and a bull and a ram as peace offerings to sacrifice before the Lord, and a grain offering mixed with [olive] oil, for today the Lord will appear to you.’”

Verse ConceptsRamsRitualOil On SacrificesGod AppearingRegulations For Cereal OfferingsSacrificing Cattle Sheep And GoatsPeace offerings

He also killed the bull and the ram, the sacrifice of peace offerings which was for the people; and Aaron’s sons handed the blood to him and he sprinkled it around on the altar,

Verse ConceptsSprinkling BloodKilling Sacrifices

“Then you shall say to them, ‘Any man from the house of Israel or any of the strangers living temporarily among you, who offers a burnt offering or sacrifice

Verse ConceptsForeignersForeigners Included In The LawStrangers in israel

But if he does not wash his clothes or bathe his body, he shall bear his guilt [for it will not be borne by the sacrifice of atonement].”

You shall not give any of your children to offer them [by fire as a sacrifice] to Molech [the god of the Ammonites], nor shall you profane the name of your God [by honoring idols as gods]. I am the Lord.

Verse ConceptsPagan GodsFalse ReligionFalse GodsChild sacrificeIrreverenceProfanityRespect, For God's CharacterSacrifice, In OtSanctity Of LifeIdolatry, Wicked Practices OfHuman SacrificesProfaning God's NameI Am The Lord

‘Now when you offer a sacrifice of peace offerings to the Lord, you shall offer it so that you may be accepted.

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingPeace offeringsAcceptance

Whoever offers a sacrifice of peace offerings to the Lord to fulfill a special vow to the Lord or as a freewill offering from the herd or from the flock, it must be perfect to be accepted; there shall be no blemish in it.

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingPerfection, DivineVowsUnblemishmentPerfect SacrificesPeace offerings

You shall not offer to the Lord any animal which has its testicles bruised or crushed or torn or cut off, or sacrifice it in your land.

Verse ConceptsCrushingBlemished CreaturesMale Genitals

He shall also offer the ram as a sacrifice of peace offerings to the Lord, together with the basket of unleavened bread; the priest shall offer also its grain offering and its drink offering.

Verse Conceptsdrink offeringShouldersAnimal Sacrifices, Meal OfferingMaking Cereal Offerings And Libations

The Nazirite shall shave his dedicated head at the doorway of the Tent of Meeting (tabernacle), and take the dedicated hair of his head and put it on the fire which is under the sacrifice of the peace offerings.

Verse ConceptsHairsShavingBurning Sacrifices

The leaders offered the dedication sacrifices for the altar on the day that it was anointed; and they offered their sacrifice before the altar.

Verse ConceptsSetting Up The Bronze AltarDedication

and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs one year old. This was the offering of Nahshon the son of Amminadab [from the tribe of Judah].

Verse ConceptsGoatsFellowship OfferingRamsFive AnimalsTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing CattleSheep And Goats

and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs one year old. This was the offering of Nethanel the son of Zuar [from the tribe of Issachar].

Verse ConceptsFive AnimalsTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing CattleSheep And Goats

and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs one year old. This was the offering of Eliab the son of Helon [from the tribe of Zebulun].

Verse ConceptsFive AnimalsTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing CattleSheep And Goats

and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs one year old. This was the offering of Elizur the son of Shedeur [from the tribe of Reuben].

Verse ConceptsFive AnimalsTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing CattleSheep And Goats

and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs one year old. This was the offering of Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai [from the tribe of Simeon].

Verse ConceptsFive AnimalsTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing CattleSheep And Goats

and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs one year old. This was the offering of Eliasaph the son of Deuel [from the tribe of Gad].

Verse ConceptsFive AnimalsTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing CattleSheep And Goats

and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs one year old. This was the offering of Elishama the son of Ammihud [from the tribe of Ephraim].

Verse ConceptsFive AnimalsTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing CattleSheep And Goats

and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs one year old. This was the offering of Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur [from the tribe of Manasseh].

Verse ConceptsFive AnimalsTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing CattleSheep And Goats

and as the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs one year old. This was the offering of Abidan the son of Gideoni [from the tribe of Benjamin].

Verse ConceptsFive AnimalsTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing CattleSheep And Goats

and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs one year old. This was the offering of Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai [from the tribe of Dan].

Verse ConceptsFive AnimalsTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing CattleSheep And Goats

and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs one year old. This was the offering of Pagiel the son of Ochran [from the tribe of Asher].

Verse ConceptsFive AnimalsTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing CattleSheep And Goats

and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, five male lambs one year old. This was the offering of Ahira the son of Enan [from the tribe of Naphtali].

Verse ConceptsFive AnimalsTwo AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing CattleSheep And GoatsPeace offerings

and all the oxen for the sacrifice of the peace offerings were twenty-four bulls, the rams sixty, the male goats sixty, the male lambs one year old sixty. This was the dedication for the altar [of burnt offering] after it was anointed.

Verse ConceptsSixtiesTwelve AnimalsTwenty SomeSetting Up The Bronze AltarAnointing ThingsSacrificing CattleSheep And Goats

then make an offering by fire to the Lord, a burnt offering or a sacrifice to fulfill a special vow, or as a freewill offering or in your appointed feasts, to make a sweet and soothing aroma to the Lord, from the herd or from the flock.

Verse ConceptsPleasing GodRefreshing God

and you shall prepare wine for the drink offering, a fourth of a hin, with the burnt offering or for the sacrifice, for each lamb.

Verse Conceptsdrink offeringWineQuantities Of Wine

When you prepare a bull as a burnt offering or as a sacrifice, in fulfilling a special vow or peace offering to the Lord,

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingSacrificing CattlePeace offerings

Balaam returned to Balak, and behold, he was standing by his burnt sacrifice, he and all the leaders of Moab.

But if it has any defect or injury, such as lameness or blindness, or any serious defect, you shall not sacrifice it to the Lord your God.

Verse ConceptsCripplesAnimals, religious role ofBlemishImperfection, And God's PurposesLamenessBlemished Creatures

You shall sacrifice the Passover [lamb] to the Lord your God from the flock or the herd, in the place where the Lord chooses to establish His Name (Presence).

Verse ConceptsAnimals, religious role ofChoicesSacred PlacesA Place For God's Name

You are not allowed to sacrifice the Passover [lamb] in any of your cities which the Lord your God is giving you;

Verse ConceptsTown

but at the place where the Lord your God chooses to establish His Name (Presence), you shall sacrifice the Passover [lamb] in the evening at sunset, at the time that you came out of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsSunsetsA Place For God's Nameanniversary

“You shall not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or sheep with a blemish or any defect, for that is a detestable thing to the Lord your God.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsCripplesBlemishImperfection, And God's PurposesAbominations, To GodBlemished CreaturesGod Hating Things

“Now this shall be the priests’ portion from the people, from those offering a sacrifice, either an ox or a sheep: they shall give to the priest the shoulder and the two cheeks and the stomach.

Verse ConceptsSheepCheeksFood For Priests Defined

“So we said, ‘Let us prepare and build an altar, not for burnt offering or for sacrifice,

Verse ConceptsBuilding Altars

and build an altar to the Lord your God on top of this mountain stronghold [with stones laid down] in an orderly way. Then take the second bull and offer a burnt sacrifice using the wood of the Asherah which you shall cut down.”

Verse ConceptsHeightWoodAltars, Built ByAltars To The LordBuilding AltarsFirewood

Now the Philistine lords gathered together to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon their god, and to celebrate, for they said,“Our god has given Samson our enemy into our hands!”

Verse ConceptsPagan GodsFalse GodsCelebrationsGiven Into One's HandsDagon

This man went up from his city each year to worship and sacrifice to the Lord of hosts at Shiloh. Hophni and Phinehas, the two sons of Eli, were priests to the Lord there.

Verse ConceptsPilgrimageSacrifice, In OtWorship, Places OfNames Of GodArk Of The Covenant, EventsEvery YearGod As A Warrior

Then the man Elkanah and all his household went up to offer to the Lord the yearly sacrifice and pay his vow.

Verse ConceptsEvery Year

and the custom of the priests with [the sacrifices of] the people. When any man was offering a sacrifice, the priest’s servant would come while the meat was boiling, with a three-pronged [meat] fork in his hand;

Verse ConceptsCustomCooking, MethodsSharp ToolsThreefold

Moreover, his mother would make him a little robe and would bring it up to him each year when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice.

Verse ConceptsGesturesFaithfulness, In Human RelationshipsMaternal LoveChildren, needs ofLove, And The WorldRobesDressPeople Giving ClothesEvery Yearmoms

Why then do you kick at (despise) My sacrifice and My offering which I commanded in My dwelling place, and honor your sons more than Me, by fattening yourselves with the choicest part of every offering of My people Israel?’

Verse Conceptsevil, believers' responses toFat PeopleKickingPraising Specific PeopleDishonoring God

Therefore I have sworn to the house of Eli that the sinful behavior of Eli’s house (family) shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever.”

Verse ConceptsAtonement, in OTPriesthood, In OtGod Swearing Harm

They answered them, “He is; look, he is ahead of you. Hurry now, for he has come into the city today because the people have a sacrifice on the high place today.

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesHurrying Others On

As you enter the city you will find him before he goes up to the high place to eat, for the people will not eat until he comes, because he must ask the blessing on the sacrifice; afterward, those who are invited will eat. So go up now, for about now you will find him.”

Verse ConceptsPeople EatingPeople Who Blessed Others

You shall go down ahead of me to Gilgal; and behold, I will be coming down to you to offer burnt offerings and to sacrifice peace offerings. You shall wait seven days until I come to you and show you what you must do.”

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingWaitingWeeksSeven DaysPeople Waiting

Saul said, “They have brought them from the Amalekites, for the people spared the best of the sheep and oxen to sacrifice to the Lord your God; but the rest we have destroyed completely.”

Verse ConceptsAnnihilation

But the people took some of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the best of the things [that were] to be totally destroyed, to sacrifice to the Lord your God at Gilgal.”

Verse ConceptsAnnihilation

But Samuel said, “How can I go? When Saul hears about it, he will kill me.” And the Lord said, “Take a heifer from the herd with you and say, ‘I have come to sacrifice to the Lord.’

Verse Conceptsdoubters

You shall invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will show you what you shall do [after that]; and you shall anoint for Me the one whom I designate.”

Verse ConceptsGuidance, God's Promises OfAnointing Kings

And he said, “In peace; I have come to sacrifice to the Lord. Consecrate yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice.” He also consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice.

Verse ConceptsHoliness, As Set Apart For God

If your father misses me at all, then say, ‘David earnestly asked permission from me to go to Bethlehem, his city, because it is the yearly sacrifice there for the entire family.’

Verse ConceptsBethlehemAsking PermissionEvery YearGone Awayanniversary

He said, ‘Please let me go because our family is holding a sacrifice in the city, and my brother has commanded me to attend. Now, if I have found favor in your eyes, please let me slip away so that I may see my brothers.’ That is why he has not come to the king’s table.”

Verse ConceptsBrothersethics, personalTown

For your servant made a vow while I lived at Geshur in Aram (Syria), ‘If the Lord will in fact bring me back to Jerusalem, then I will serve the Lord [by offering a sacrifice of thanksgiving].’”

Verse ConceptsReinstating People

Araunah said to David, “Let my lord the king take and offer up whatever seems good to him. Look, here are oxen for the burnt offering, and threshing sledges and the yokes of the oxen for the wood.

Verse ConceptsThreshingYokesFirewood

The king went to Gibeon [near Jerusalem, where the tabernacle and the bronze altar stood] to sacrifice there, for that was the great high place. Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar.

Verse ConceptsGenerosity, HumanOfferingsPilgrimageSacrifice, In OtA Thousand AnimalsSacrifice On The Bronze Altar

Then the king and all [the people of] Israel with him [repeatedly] offered sacrifice before the Lord.

If these people go up to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem to offer sacrifices, then their heart will turn to their lord, to Rehoboam king of Judah; and they will kill me and return to Rehoboam king of Judah.”

Verse ConceptsSeducersHow To Worship God

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 9

D@bach (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Usage: 134

Usage: 162

חג חג 
Usage: 62

Usage: 15

Usage: 211

עולה עלה 
Usage: 288

קרבּן קרבּן 
Usage: 82

Usage: 8

Usage: 26